Lime in Artex

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Did a ceiling a few years back - pva and skim, got a call following morning the lot had come down - artex and skim ! was told this is due to the odd occation of them putting lime in artex, Any-one had this prob ?
Ive skimmed an aretx ceiling before and it finished up looking like an aero.

I didnt know why it happened and the customer said he did the artex himself and just bodged it.

I had to reboard it and do it again.

Does it affect it if its is not painted?
Mate artex is a b a s t a r d to over skim.Over the years 90% the comebacks ive had from customers have invovled artex.More often than not ull come acroos some problemwhen skimming over artex.
becuse its a textured finnish it can hold dirt dust grease etc which doesnt help.
But the main reason i think is if the artex is put on to thinly....... when u over skim and the chemical reaction in the plaster starts to heat up this can make the artex come away from the ceiling,sometimes this happens when u hard trowel but i have also had it come off the next day too.
I always try to tell the customer that its best to overboard and give then 2 prices accordingly.
And if the artex has been painted with silk as it often is in kitchens and bathrooms dont f u c k i n g touch it.You'l probably get the sliders ,bubbling tiger stripes or if ur a real unlucky fuc**r a combination of the lot .
I personaly think we should have an anti artex campaign on this forum.
The best advice i can giv to skimming over artex is to wait wait wait before you start to trowel,get it flat with ur second coat and just wait till its goin off then bring it back to life with water and polish,becuse if u play with it u get probs as mentioned above.
Best way ive found to deal with it is to scrape the high spots and loose off,good mix of 3.1 pva with sand added apply pva with roller,let it dry apply first coat of skim let that go off for an hour this absorbs the pattern then apply the top coat of skim and polish away. Customers love it ;)
church said:
Sometimes there distemper behind the artex that would make it fall off .

The main reason there are so many problems skimming over Artex is because it acts basically the same as distemper in that it is water soluble even when it has been dry up on the ceiling for years. if when you re-skim it the moisture from the plaster gets through to the Artex it will start to soften and in some cases loose adhesion to the ceiling.
hollybank said:
Best way ive found to deal with it is to scrape the high spots and loose off,good mix of 3.1 pva with sand added apply pva with roller,let it dry apply first coat of skim let that go off for an hour this absorbs the pattern then apply the top coat of skim and polish away. Customers love it ;)

same as above i use this method pva & sand it works for me,
others will say wba, bond-it, betokontakt or stikthatmuktoceilin.
Just mix sand in with pva in an old thistle bond-it tub &
add a bit of green food colouring in & charge em for bond-it ;)

put 1st coat of skim on then just leave it don't play around with it, just leave it,
if you keep messing with it this is where problems occur.
Let it firm up then just a quick flattener with trowel if needed,
then top coat goes on with no probs trowel up as normal.
I remember overskimming on walls and the artex ceiling was to be left as is. Went to clean up ceiling line, and the artex started to come away on my water brush :-\
did a decorating job not so long ago.... for a couple who had just bought a modern style house. all the ceiling were drylined and artex, but the ceiling were never painted.. i think the house was about 10 years old.

they wanted me to decorate the kitcken so first i applied a watered down coat and then 2 neat coats after, by the afternoon the paint had started cracking and come away from the ceiling... so basicly because the ceiling was never sealed (painted) soon after the artex was applied... it had been exposed to moisture and pretty much fell off when i scraped it back. so i would suggest sealing it first with stabilising solution if u come across artex ceiling that havnt been painted. before u apply pva or wba.

also when working in old property's u never no what paint people have used in the past on there ceilings and walls.
alot of the cheaper paints dont have viynal in them and thats what binds the pait system together and also sticks it to the ceilings or wall. so like church said if the ceiling was firstly painted with distemer, whiting and contract emulsion. before it was artexd then the weight of the plaster is gona pull the artex off the ceiling.
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