lime finish

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using weber tec hydromur as a backing coat,lime based product, then using cercol lime finish plaster to scim with.will it take ages to go off, will it blend in nice with the existing plaster, never used these products before. some of you guys have used similar products before
Obviously not that many do .......
i remember my dad using lime plaster many years ago when he started to teach me the game,dont know what it was called but i know it was lime based and took along time to dry off.
Like i say ..this was the first s**t i ever put on with a trowel about 20 year ago aprrox,i do know for certain its stings like f@@k if you get it in your eyes,wear goggles!!!!
Their is no differrence in putting lime morters and finishes on the wall than s/c and gypsum the difference is the curing and nurturing it requires after. Not familiar with the product you are using but basicly it all needs the same after care.Why you dont check the suppliers web site for guidance or other dedicated lime sites. Its not hard using lime but dont expect t put it on the wall and walk away with the money their is more to it than that.
Yeah Del looks good stuff, the Italians have been specialising in this kind of stuff for hundreds of years so they should have it right, was it dear?
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