let down!

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New Member
ent it WANK when you ring ur Labs phone at 7.am and there is no reply! fed up of let downs! reali cant get a good un theys days! im been gettin job ready all weeknd every all set 2 go just need'd the lab to get in the van at 7.30am and were off a good weeks work..nah let us down on day 1..

bank holiday weeknd got the better of um im guessin!
well im sure hes from manchester but he may be the complete opposite side of it from where i am :P

but anyway, im off to skim some boards on this lovely day, aren't i the lucky one :-\
That's why if you find a reliable, willing to learn and flexible labourer you should pay em more than minimum wage to keep em. A good labourer should be on £7.50-£8.00 ph. If u pay em £50 a day you'll only get a Chav who want's to wear rigger boots and spend all day texting his mates!
Your right roofer the problem is you have to charge the money to pay them and at the moment if you say you want £200 per day for you and a lab people go weak at the knees
wilber said:
Get an older guy with some commitments round his neck (missis,kids,morgage.)there the workers not the shurkers.

Yeah but even they won't let u take the P**s! how many blokes with a mortgage and kids are gonna work for £250 a week? £200 after tax? They'd be off as soon as a better paid job comes up. Like I say, you pay low at first but when you find a gem who works hard, always turns up and is willing to learn put his money up and keep him. Eventually he will be a spread and you can send him out on jobs on his own. and make more spondoolies......Like i say, an investment.
all sounds good in theory but you have to get the money in first to cover the wages.

I pay my spreads day work £125 p/d, labs £50 p/d

You may all moan and groan thats not enough but they have work at least 5 days a week and when the going gets better and I can charge more they know I will put the money up.

I want to get into the trade so id take 250 a week just to get me foot on the ladder,if you make your self cost effective your money will soon go up plus you're learning the trade.
Spreads rate is ok, So is the labourers if it's just mixing and sweeping. All I'm saying is you can't moan if they don't turn up or knock their back out for you on that money.

I started as a Roofers labourer when i was 22 and worked like a dog. After 3 years I could slate and tile, fibreglass and felt with the best of em, Still never put my coin up! Learned to plaster on the job aswell doing velux windows all time.

I was driving a knackered vauxhall astra to work while the gaffer had a brand new Navara and Transit van. Tosser!

I got alot of skills from that job but f**ked him off cause he didn't want to pay a decent rate. If he put me up tp £9.00 ph I'd prob still be there now.

Instead I've been subbing out and earning decent money until Feb this year. At 35 I can see me working in Maccy D's soon!
Roofer I will moan if they dont turn up, if they let me down they are gone.

£200 paid cash every Friday after tax for a weeks easy work and having a good crack all day isnt that bad in my opinion.
As I said quite A lot of my jobs are on a day rate at the moment of £200 per day, Its me that pays for the van,fuel,insurance, does the quotes etc etc etc. I am trying to run a business which means making money, I am not doing all this to make myself a wage.

As I said when things get better I will pay more.

im doin a job is bristol at the mo needs help! lil f**k*r dint turn up i pay £50 a day CASH so i charge £220 a day.
look lads im just trying to beter my self in the trade i can do a lot but i can allwase better my self right look i have taken on a lab well his a m8te got a little boy and times are hard and i did have a bite of work on at the time he never said he was working with a spred two year back and the c**t and the s**t head took some of my work not happy
oasis said:
noooooooooooo gloucestershire

ah i thought you was from manchester! was gonna say id be willing to help out anytime at short notice if your labourer lets you down again
shame mr spoon.. but are mum did say never meet people from the internet unless you wanna make the 10 0'clock news!
iv taken on a young plasterer with a few years on and of experance and a few courses under his belt.. for £60 cash a day. see how this one goes.. no car dnt fink any tools and no phone.. not the best start but were see!
wish you all the best then, atleast you knows hes got experience and actually put himself through college on his own back, hope he works out 8)
national min wage all the way .....make them work there b*ll***s off and if they dont like it they can find another job :)
your a cruel master spunky.

Had another young guy contact me today looking to be an apprentice. he told me he had contacted all the other plastering firms but no luck, I told him yes £25 per day, just got a tex "not working for that" well sit on your ass at home then son
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