laying on mono in 2 passes

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Well-Known Member
i lay on mono by hand but just can`t seem to ever get to grips with `one coat` application.i`ve used k-rend alot over the years so 2 tight coats allways works ok.i find it`s ok on flat area in `one coat` but around the beads and also if the blockworks wet from downpipe or rain,it`s never going on as flat as it should.does anybody use a straight edge & spatula or just spatula?
There is nothing worse bobby then when you see a mono job and you can see the block lines through the render.

what i find is that mono so much more sticky than k-rend,you can`t apply it like you can in 2 coats.probably alot easier with a machine.
you should set the beads up so they are no thicker than the rest of the area you are rendering , you allways gets some sort of sagging from wet areas guttering should be sorted out before you turn up anyway or at least temporary guttering , do you use an i section when scratching back and a feather edge when putting on ? i allways think that one coat should be put on in two tight coats "two passes" if you know what i mean.
when we spray parex etc you get a 10-20 min window and that's all to rule and spat so don't want to think about how it would tear and drag by hand. me and the labourer put on a 43m2 pine end today with 4 lifts of scaffold. He was on the machine and I was spraying and ruling/spatting. started spraying at 12.30 driving away at 4.30. Wouldn't know where to begin putting it on by hand with one skilled and one 17yr old labourer and keeping a wet edge.
oh yes forgot to mention the right arms still in a cast.......bizarre this machine plastering lark.
do the lads who hand apply go all the way through with one coat then all the way through again ? i was taught to one coat a few metres then second coat while its still tacky
same as spunky well theres usually 2 of us laying on so 1 goes over the others 1st coat then 1 of us drops back on the edge
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