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S a plastering

Private Member
got a concrete garage floor the customer wants a smooth finish was going to latex over for him does it need any primer on first like dustproofer or watered down sbr or of the like the floor is quit rough just a tamped finish its also goin to have a van on it to cheers
no its already been concreted buy others he just wants it smooth thats why i was thinkin of self level to smooth it over
thats what i mean im not really sure what i can put ontop of the concrete to make it smooth ideas please if any thats all i can think of thats smooth if its not good enough i wont use it
yeah grano is prob the hardest wearing. its used for warehouses etc. yes u need to prime it but depends what ur using
"sovereign" do a very hard wearing self levelling screed. you need to prime it first with their own primer and then when its dry u can screed it with minimum 5mm.
we used it for a changing room where the players togs were damaging the floor.
it cost bout £8 a bag and did bout 3.5 m2
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