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I have priced a parex scratch render monorex for a customer. He has asked if i could add lanko to the mono for waterproofing. Is this the case and is it expensive off shelf additive?
its just sbr pal
what are you looking to achieve by adding it? if you want to make it water tight id spend your money on aqua guard, monorex is breathable anyhow with it on, so it wouldn't effect it.
The customer has read on parex aparently that if you added this it acts as a waterproofer. Hence why i asked here coz it didnt make sense to me
You would only add lankolatex if creating your own suction base coat, rendering wet blocks or applying below damp. If he's after extra weather protection then apply Paraguard to the finished substrate.
I wouldn't want lanko in the scrape render unless you do a scratch coat first with lanko in then a butter coat without.

Monorex at 15mm won't allow water to penetrate anyway. Tell her it wouldn't be fit for purpose if it didn't keep the rain out
You would only add lankolatex if creating your own suction base coat, rendering wet blocks or applying below damp. If he's after extra weather protection then apply Paraguard to the finished substrate.

you don't even need it for wet blocks, monorex is breathable.
There is polymer based base coats that of a bit of flex and anti-crack. But what's the point if the base can move but the top is brittle?
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