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New Member
Do most of you s have a labourer or do you work alone ?, if so wat they like?i myself have one for my bigger jobs hes great for mixing and cleaning up but dosent lift a trowel to give you a hand which can be annoying especially when your flat out and hes standing with hands in pockets >:(
nah i dont have one ... but if big job on like boarding ceilings or skimming big ceiling i have a few mates on the old rock and roll who i call upon
I don't normaly use one but if l have a big job there is a guy a use who is great grafts like hell and can plaster he's quick and good

I usally pay £50 a day but l get my money's worth
steve1976 said:
Do most of you s have a labourer or do you work alone ?, if so wat they like?i myself have one for my bigger jobs hes great for mixing and cleaning up but dosent lift a trowel to give you a hand which can be annoying especially when your flat out and hes standing with hands in pockets >:(

where bouts are you from? id more than happily help labour and be on the trowel all day long 8)
Always had a muck monkey , to old to it by myself now but there not really worth a toss though ,yet to find one that really wants to learn and graft
MrSpoon85 said:
steve1976 said:
Do most of you s have a labourer or do you work alone ?, if so wat they like?i myself have one for my bigger jobs hes great for mixing and cleaning up but dosent lift a trowel to give you a hand which can be annoying especially when your flat out and hes standing with hands in pockets >:(

where bouts are you from? id more than happily help labour and be on the trowel all day long 8)
Northern Ireland mate my lab is on the QT so just use him on bigger jobs, smaller jobs dont usually pay me to use him!
i have one or the bgger jobs to hold up boards when doing a celling but other then thet i work alone with my i pod
i have one that i use now and then on bigger jobs. he can lay on and flatten as well so it's great when you want to get the mileage on. can even trowel up to a degree. but he likes a drink - or two. on the job. everywhere you look there's cans of lynx lager - medicine cabinets, empty bags of gear, the back of an old piano the other day, the back of the van. he was coming back from the shop the other day and i handed him a gorilla bucket with some gear in but he couldn't take it off me - he had three cans of lynx down each sleeve of his coat - this was half eight in the morning ffs. only use him on jobs where there's no one home so not to give the wrong impression. don't get me wrong, he's a good labourer, and unless you found all the cans you wouldnt even know he's tanked up. works well for both of us. i pay him for two or three days and don't see him again until the monies spent.
dont mind one guiness sometimes - at dinner that is - so long as the jobs under control. anymore than that and u dont wanna do anything. you always get more done in the mornings and anymore than a pint just wipes u out for the afternoon.. just been in spain for ten months and after the siesta - 2-5 - nothing gets done.
what? offered u red wine on a job?

pinot noir is the best, however, maybe a nice chianti with some liver and some fava beans. wouldn't drink on the job, though, unless i'd finished and someone offered me a beer while counting the money out
BARFLY said:
dont mind one guiness sometimes - at dinner that is - so long as the jobs under control. anymore than that and u dont wanna do anything. you always get more done in the mornings and anymore than a pint just wipes u out for the afternoon.. just been in spain for ten months and after the siesta - 2-5 - nothing gets done.

was you plastering out in spain?
used to have a 3 and 1 gang the other 2 plasterers ive brought on myself from labourers, the labourer left after i got him his nvq 2 solid plastering cscs and he felt he was ready for the big time, he wasnt but hes having a go and making the diamonds. at the moment ive decided not to train anyone else up to replaaace the last lad as this credit crunch malarky is going to mean work is tight for the lads ive got now
All the best murp i know it will work out in the end good spreads allways get through ,and remember as one door closes other opens and im not talking about revolving doors ;D
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