Private Member
Do any of you guys work totally alone or do most of you have labourers? If ithout how do you find most things?
My last boss used to have us workin on our own no matter what we did. Ive had to skim large ceilings on my own, set up scaff on my own( external up to roof level ready for pointing!). Just wondered if anyone has had similar experience with slave labour.richardbrown said:always work with a lab ..... why would any sane person want to work with out one!!!!????.
Makes a hard job so much easier, quicker, cleaner and more profitable.
I wouldnt bother without one.
PhilPlaster said:Are your labourers people you knew or from job centre? (pub)!
im guessin youre jokin here yes?PhilPlaster said:Im on my own at the mo and only charge for a plasterer plus materials. Do you reckon i should start chargin extra for labourers services as im doin the lot?
pwi said:Its sorting all the tax and ni that gets me or I would have 1 full time I've loads on so maybe should think about it
Chris W said:you can be registered as self employed and still sign on, so your lab can declare whatever work you throw his way and go back to signing on without interrupting his claim provided he does no more than 16 hours in a week...
you can split 30 hours into a 2 week period if you like and thats not abusing the system, its just a bit of give and take with the rules...
Chris W said:you can be registered as self employed and still sign on, so your lab can declare whatever work you throw his way and go back to signing on without interrupting his claim provided he does no more than 16 hours in a week...
you can split 30 hours into a 2 week period if you like and thats not abusing the system, its just a bit of give and take with the rules...
matt said:Chris W said:you can be registered as self employed and still sign on, so your lab can declare whatever work you throw his way and go back to signing on without interrupting his claim provided he does no more than 16 hours in a week...
you can split 30 hours into a 2 week period if you like and thats not abusing the system, its just a bit of give and take with the rules...
I might be wrong but if you sighn on and as you say you can work no more then 16 hrs a week.But you have to declare above £20 quid aweek ?
essexandy said:You should be aware that it is not legal to employ a labourer as a self-employed person, as the employer it is your responsibility to employ them legally and it will be you and not the labourer who will be fined and made to pay any tax and N.I. saved by both you and the labourer should the HMRC catch up with you.
Dont chuck the work away andy gett a local lad from here to give u a handessexandy said:In the last 17 years I've had about 20 labourers, a lot of them last a day or two and in all that time I can only think of two that I would class as good labourers. The two good lads lasted about 7 years between them and both left as plasterers and now run their own firms, that leaves about 8 years for the other 18 labourers and I reckon I've spent at least half that time without a labourer at all. I have a load of work on for the new year and really should be taking on another spread and a labourer to get through it but I just can't face the thought of sorting through all the idiots again and may just chuck all the work in and walk away.
You should be aware that it is not legal to employ a labourer as a self-employed person, as the employer it is your responsibility to employ them legally and it will be you and not the labourer who will be fined and made to pay any tax and N.I. saved by both you and the labourer should the HMRC catch up with you.
McPlaster said:I've always had labourers, some good some tossers, the bloke who works with me is 32 and started with me at 16, he's a good plasterer who does the knocking up for the both of us if he needs to. Always on time, no days off, likes his money though.
Chris W said:matt said:Chris W said:you can be registered as self employed and still sign on, so your lab can declare whatever work you throw his way and go back to signing on without interrupting his claim provided he does no more than 16 hours in a week...Got you,cheers Chris.
you can split 30 hours into a 2 week period if you like and thats not abusing the system, its just a bit of give and take with the rules...
I might be wrong but if you sighn on and as you say you can work no more then 16 hrs a week.But you have to declare above £20 quid aweek ?
what i mean is...
you can remain registered as unemployed AND self employed PROVIDED you work no more than 16 hours a week, any more than that and you have to sign off...
anything you do earn beit 20 quid or 20 pence you have to declare every time you sign on, including the hours you worked..
the point is, it allows you to employ a labourer on a self employed PART TIME basis without you having to pay him while you aint got the work...
Nah im just new to the pricing game as ive always been cards in for builders. At first i was chargin day rates but then im under pricing. So if one room takes 1 day say 2- 300 quid. I was chargin £100 and they were gettin a bargain! So how'd you come up with what the jobs worth?Chris W said:im guessin youre jokin here yes?PhilPlaster said:Im on my own at the mo and only charge for a plasterer plus materials. Do you reckon i should start chargin extra for labourers services as im doin the lot?
but just in case youre not, you PRICE for the JOB...
if it was 1 room and 1 room would take you on your own 1 day then youd charge say 2-300 quid...
if you had a labourer and you did it it 1/2 a day would you then charge 350 quid? for the same job?
the point of having a labourer is to make life easier for you, its your choice, when i take a labourer they start off doing next to jack but after a while theyre trowelling up etc, no point em sittin still unless theyre a complete and utter waste of space in which case whats the point? that way i get the job done quicker, say 1/2 a day quicker, which to me is 1/2 a day of MY RATE... I pay the labourer a LABOURERS rate, that means I make more money per hour spent on site and the customer gets a quicker cleaner job (tip - clean up yourself while the lab final trowels, youll be hard pushed to find a labourer that cleans up as well as you but they love to feel part of the 'team' by having a trowel in their hand)