Labour prices for OCR.

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well it depends if render system is doing it ;)

Depends on a few things, location and whats parked on the drive.
flynnyman said:
well it depends if render system is doing it ;)

Depends on a few things, location and whats parked on the drive.

It's funny how rates go up as the gardens get larger.
TonyM said:
flynnyman said:
well it depends if render system is doing it ;)

Depends on a few things, location and whats parked on the drive.

your right its also funny how the customer gets tighter the bigger the garden gets.

It's funny how rates go up as the gardens get larger.
flynnyman said:
well it depends if render system is doing it ;)

Depends on a few things, location and whats parked on the drive.

Settle down flynnyman my rates are not expensive just justifyable... this is how i would price the job if i had to travel to do it...
200 m2 @ £15.00 = £3,000.00

this would include 2 days travel (there and back) fuel and day work for the labourere travelling with me
4 days to do the job @ 50 m2 per day
3 nights B&B

so that would come to about £500.00 leaving £2,500.00 less 3 days labourer = £240.00 = balance £2,260.00 less tax @20% = balance of £1,808.00

if the job was on my doorstep i would charge £2,000.00 (£10.00 per m2) no probs (plus VAT) ;)
labour only we would spray it for £2500 depending where it was and what you wanted done , i am assuming its external your talking about.
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