krend silicone

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Private Member
what do you lads think about it?
Do you like how it applies?
what about consistency - do you think its too loose/wet?
me an my mate were discussing it today and both agreed we would prefer more body to the product
im using it on a job at mo the fine texture one got to put on by hand it wont go through my minijet i feel like i been beaten up we put on 80 bags this afternoon
i dont like it when it slumps it makes me paranoid itll be hollow............personally think its shite i drive past a few jobs especially close to roads and its covered in crap , i prefer float finish
If you knock it up properly it goes on like butter if your labourer is a useless c**t then its s**t to spread, mixed up well it dont slump :o
ive heard if you leave it to stand for 10 mins and put the whisk through it again it comes out like hardwall
spunky said:
ive heard if you leave it to stand for 10 mins and put the whisk through it again it comes out like hardwall
your supposed to let plaster stand before you use it anyway, not that i ever do
simps said he used a joddy, it sounds good you'd be getting the same water per mix and 1 less person mixing
Use a measuring jug mate same amount of water and one person more needed but £1600 plus vat and sercvicng better off and the person mixing moves around a little more and makes tea
10 weeks and its paid for it goes against youre taxes and after that youre making 40 quid per day plus laying plaster on walls ............dont shatter my dream church ;D
dont like the ft but maybe its because i dont like laying on by hand but the egrade through the machine is like butter. we use 15mm drips and stops with 10mm angles because by time the angles are bedded on its 15mm. dont have a problem then but if its going on a bit thick then you will get problems with cracking.
using the ft I thought it was too slack mixed with the measured water and too dry a mix when mixed stiff enough to get any decent depth. using the hp12 scratch coat aswell so would not like to use it directly at 15mm
it was an "weekend job" if you know what I mean - not something I would get the machine lads in for never had this problem with maxit
Krend recommend mixing for 5 min stand for 5 min then mix for further 5 min what a ball ache it does add some life to the mix its all to do with the polymers in the mix they need time do whatever they do
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