knauf multi finish

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going to be trying some of this gear out if i can find a supplier can anyone tell me a rough price we should be paying per bag . cheers paul
I was using their mp finish yesterday.

My opinion is it is way to fine so you have trouble building out or covering any board joints that arnt perfect.
Nice to lay up mind, maybe I just need to get used to it !!???
I was using their mp finish yesterday.

My opinion is it is way to fine so you have trouble building out or covering any board joints that arnt perfect.
Nice to lay up mind, maybe I just need to get used to it !!???

you want to learn to plaster you girl, moan moan moan, your running out of choices rich, you cant use multi and now you cant use mp finish, Its for real spreads and real spreads will tell you its a joy to use.
For once or is that twice im not sure, i agree with simple, ive been usin this gear for a while and it goes a lot further and is not a bad finish but im not sure what it costs a bag. Used multi today on a ceiling i reboarded and it seemed to set quick and was very gritty but im not sure its because ive been using the knauf. Whats it like on reskims ie pva and skim?
i get it for about £5 + vat i think but does 15m + per bag

i used it on a job before xmas on a reskim of a house. didnt get on with it atall. was bloody cold, but was minimum 4 hr hits, jst sat and sat on the wall, then 2 mins later had gone dark.

but on board and sand and cement it went really nice.
it is nice gear to use but cause it goes on thin it dont cover like multi.
I get it for £4.75 plus vat a bag and multi for £ 3.20 plus vat

dunno , im on the fence
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