knauf Finish

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New Member
Not sure if its been disscussed before but hey ho

Havent used it for years
We used it on site when house bashing on boards not so good on re skims in my opinion
Got to mix it thick to start as when you knock it through it thins down.

So who uses it regaular ?
Your thoughts?
I have done a few jobs with it and dont mind using it really, the only thing ill say is dont try and use it like you would multi cause it'll bite you in the ass.

I was offered a pallet of the stuff for nothing a few weeks ago cause the merchant couldnt sell it... I didnt take it cause id rather use multi.

The guy from the merchant did tell me something of interest though he said that in the next ten years british gypsum would have taken all they can from our dear planet and that Knauf would be the only "multi" available ......... what do you guys think ????

Rich B
There will come a time,, but ?

Yeah its totally different to Multie doesent like been applied thick
Its good for new boards on say a conservatory with new white frames its cleaner than BG multi

Used it once a few years ago when B. G. were on strike,was a total pig to work with,good job the customer were having wallpaper on the ceilings.
was using fp 90 a yr or so ago on some student accomodation in brum i got on with it like could lay up more cos it hangs like f**k found it finished better with a sponge tho but once it starts goin it goes like f**k there was loads of "skimmers" on there who didnt have a clue with it and spent days snagging there own work good job it sands nicely
had a visit from british gypsum last thursday jsut gone, they estimate they have around 20 years of gypsum left in the ground from the uk. but they is a never ended supply of gypsum produced from coal burning power stations, in order to be more "environmentally friendly" the steeam/smoke/pollution goes through big filter systems, kinda like a cat converter on a car... and the by product of this is pure gypsum, which is used solely for the purpose of plasterboards, purely because the gypsum in the ground isnt pure.. and contains many impuritys which makes the plaster we use so workable (clays etc.) and this powerstation gpysum would be unworkable. i raised the question of what will happen when it ran out... the reply was that it would be brought in from overseas.
me: then it would go up in price due to extra transport costs.
BG: yes, but you've had it cheap for a long time and still will for 20 years before that happens.
me: would the pure gypsum produced from power stations be useable for backing and finish plasters?
BG: yes but with many additives to create the same gypsum we get from the ground to acheieve the same results, but would be cheaper to import.

also... each year they produce enough linear meterage of plasterboard to go from the earth, to the moon, back to the earth... and back to the moon again! :o
ive always wondered what happens to all the offcuts?...
well not like i stay awake at night but ?
maybe thats another reason why theyre leaning towards tape and join these days..
offcuts of plasterboard? they get ground up and mixed back in with the chemically formed gypsum from the powerstations to be used again for more plasterboards 8)

someone payed attention for once in class ;)
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