k rend

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S a plastering

Private Member
got a front of house to price up its about 30m and they want mono prob ivory colour the background has been scabbled off back to the brick (painted) question is whats the best spec will it be hp12 with mesh or just hp12 on its own there are also a few cracks appering on the mortar beds will this be ok thanks any help
we used the r7 and hp12 on a refurb job and the lot came of in sheets this was over unpainted tyrolean, i'd just wet it down a bit of suction wont hurt and agree with rich mate i'd use hpx
If its dusty and in a mess i would r7 it ,if its clean brick i would just get on and base coat it
I bet the r7 is well expensive aswell:RpS_wink:
we used the r7 and hp12 on a refurb job and the lot came of in sheets this was over unpainted tyrolean, i'd just wet it down a bit of suction wont hurt and agree with rich mate i'd use hpx

Ive never seen anything fail on r7 :RpS_scared: and ive used it to do some really wrong things !,you would think with r7 and then tyrolean as a key that would have been a good base
Did the hp12 not stick to the r7 or did the r7 fail ?
anything which has been painted k-rend will spec hpx fully mesh and pin in a dimond pattern we like to use the 50 mm mushroom pins
Hi everyone, i have a krend job to look at, i have done a k rend job before that rubbed it with a scraper float, looked nice(ish) the guys i was doing it with didnt seem to know what they was doing tho, the finish was wavey as fook. we went on top of a sand cement base coat. what is the process of k rend. once the top coat of k rend goes on, do you need to level off with a straight edge all the time, and when. can you get a video how to do all the steps or can anyone explain in detail how it is done. what price should you charge for putting on by hand with and without materials, and where do i get the stuff from in the northwest
hi wallplas the krend should be opened up just before scraping with a i section this gets it super flat once thats done you can then scrape back to a finish im in manchester and get my gear from keel supply trafford park
direct building products in bradford are hard to beat in the north for bagged renders and beads, if you spend enough dont reckon theyd charge you anything for delivering depending where you are in nwest
whatever you do don't spray ecorend too wet(it has a funny plump character about it that isn't like the other renders imo because it can mislead you that it's a good mix until you go to work it and it slides). If it's too wet and there's any wet blocks lower down on the job(sometimes unavoidable)it will literally slide off when you rule it as it doesn't seem to pull in on itself like parex etc. Start drier than you'd like and go wetter from there as you get used to it. It also has a tendency to crack after youve left it and before you come to scratch it back........again some formulation issues with the recycled glass content i suspect as glass has no suction leading to a weaker integrity within the render itself?? Try it but imo a saving too far and ive switched back to parex. Saying all this though....for hand application, the slow pull of it might actually work with you on larger panels??
tried the basecoat myself goody had a similar prob with sliding and didnt get the coverage either. think there is alot of fillers and bulkers in their. that said we were going over brick so maybe it wouldv been better onto block
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