k rend vs weber mono

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a customer has me to render his house in either k rend or weber. ive only ever worked with weber is there any difference in application and price. its gonna need a key coat cos its onto thermalite block but the brickies only left 1/4 inch on the quoins which doesnt leave me much 4 the top coat and i dont really want to go down the beading around quoins route. any suggestions or advise would be a great help.

Also is the key coat 4 k rend that hp12 stuff if it is how much is it.
i've seen lads using hpx on thermalite .......it's pretty dear though, not sure about hp12 on high suction .....rend aid would be good mate it goes on really tight aswell
The stone coins will have to be beaded around dude unless they move them, base coat on thermalite for webber would be rendaid, it's sticky stuff but good and only goes on 3-5mm,it will kill the suction which is what you want, if you use k rend then HPX is the base coat kills suction and same thickness, on both base coats it would be advisable to bed mesh around and underneath windows. Webber or k rend good as one another if putting on by hand i would use webber. We machine this stuff so prefer k-rend. Hope i helped. :)
dont cut costs mate using sand and cement just use the k-rend or weber as your basecoat, a tight coat of rend aid is all it needs , mix the rend aid up to a slurry and you should get approx 7-10m2 per bag, if you start using other materials as i said in another post you wont get the back up from the manufacturer if you get any probs especially iff you use sand and cement scratch cos they'll just say its your fault and then it will get really expensive
fair play m8, you re right but never thought you d get much back up any how, don a fair bit of dubbin out on externals wif s&c ,never ad any probs wif mono over top
kebab king said:
Just curious lads , how does everyone apply there Rendaid .
by trowel and really tight like skimming then put a key in it with a scratch combe
K rend or weber mono? was that not the stuff the Romans used in the colleseum? lasted 2500 years (seriously, it's still there!) I aint never heard such rubbish The render inside the pyramids is still there too, over 5000 years! reckon they were onto something.
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