k-rend quantity ??

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New Member
Im am roughcasting an area tomorrow using k-rend, I have already bought the gear but am a bit concerned that I havent bought enough :-\ opinions on this 1 please it is an area 18ft long by 8 ft high with a standard door and a window that measures about 3ft sq . I have puchased a number of bags of reciever coat and a number of bags of roughcast dash . How many bags do you guys think I would need? Thanks
Slippy i've just done loads of roughcast with k-rend we were getting 2m a bag rough cast and reciever easily wastage included.
Thanks, Ive got 5 bags of reciever and 7 bags of dash for this wall do you reckon thats enough?
Ive used this stuff on site and never had to worry about quantities etc.
Your a bit tight on receiver but if your base coat is flat you might make it with luck. Goody you base coat as normal then slap a butter coat on fairly tight and when that tightens up, dash it. It comes in separate bags however if you want your own size and shape of stone you just buy receiver and add measured quantity.
Sorry misread you post thought you were scraping it , but you still are tight with the receiver , i would not start without at least 7-8 receiver, i assume by rough cast you mean dry dash , or do you actually mean roughcast, sorry is it me ? i'm confused now !!! what was we talkin about again ???
warriorupnorth said:
Sorry misread you post thought you were scraping it , but you still are tight with the receiver , i would not start without at least 7-8 receiver, i assume by rough cast you mean dry dash , or do you actually mean roughcast, sorry is it me ? i'm confused now !!! what was we talkin about again ???

Thanks for replys, its roughcasting not dry dash.
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