Just another crank

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New Member
Well stumbled across this site and thought it might be good for the laugh as it seems most posts end up with a fair bit of verbal onslought (mainly Spunky but im new haha) reckon it worms out the bell end chancers and players in the game though urrrrgghhh i could quite easily slice them with my 20" Gold Marshalltown and then face plant them with my 24" Marshalltown hand board oh and to finish them off drop their gorilla tub with finish mixed as thick as dab on their trowel hand in the hope of shattering each little bone which alowd them to sign an induction form and even walk on a site. ahhhh rant over!!!!

Anyway im Steve im not one of these so called plasterers that 'just' skim, been at it ten years and it is still a love - hate - fook its turning on me relationship
nar not yet been reading about it but reluctant to use it, im on big walls and the site gaffers are keen as fook, when would you use it? my laying down coat is very flat normally. Ive just been using one of them pump spray bottles at the min
Our expert spunky not been about and they say these plastic trowels save you time. I do not use them so do not really know about sponges.
sponge is ok i liked it at first (bout a month ago) but rarley use it nowadays just if its a bit get that will get away a little bit, or ill use it if im on site and not being payed much sponge coupled with a heavy one coat will suffice for the sheite payments.
plastic trowels are good mate make the troweling up alot easier and a bit quicker as you can trowel 2wice succsesivly as opposed to waiting for a bit beofre the final trowel
also if you cross trowel your laying down coat with the plastic trowel then you can do the first trowel alot quicker
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