job price

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New Member
been to price up a kitchen today she wants ceiling done over artex its about 13 by 13 ft and 3 walls average sized kitchen 1 wall has a window in i reckon it would take 3-4 bags of multi to do the job .. wot prices would you guys charge for a job like this ??????????????
1 day so whatever ya wanna earn plus mates,

Multi £20
Beads £5
Bonding £5
Wba or pva £10

Id go in for about £220 I reckon unless you can get 2 days out of it, advise its best to use a bonding agent over the artex so go in one day and paint the wba on and give all the walls a coat of pva and bead up and bond out what needed. Go ack next day and skim £350 ;)
how long have you been plastering timmo and what are you looking at earning per day?
been doing weekend( guvvy) work for about 3 yrs nicksey , but have just been made redundant from my day job so have decided to take up plastering full time ... just purchased myself a transit wi my redundancy so hoping to make a living out of plastering .. so just wanted to know wot prices people charge for jobs etc ...  the artex on the ceiling was not to bad so thought would do couple of coats of pva then multi maybe stick a third coat on if required ..... i quoted her 230 quid all in ... is this anywhere near to been right price ?????

p.s she aint rang me back yet >:(
timmo72 what i do is figure out how long the job will take to do.. and write it down on paper ( i find it easier that way) then charge £110 a day. some days u'll earn more and some day's u'll earn less.
cheers trowel i reckon i could do it on a long day but as not much work on thought would not rush to much i reckon ill take mabe 1 8 hr day and maybe next morning wi a good clean up .....
18hrs is 2 days so charge £220 labour

and what ever the materials are, add on........ i never give a price with materials, just tell them roughly what there gona cost..... just in case u get it wrong & have to buy more gear.
timmo72  what i do is figure out how long the job will take to do.. and write it down on paper ( i find it easier that way) then charge £110 a day. some days u'll earn more and some day's u'll earn less.

WHAT 110 a day how on gods earth can you stay in buisness with those prices always aim to cover costs ie materials labour,and add roughly 20% as profit to allow for days you dont work and advertising upkeep of van etc. 110 on site may be ok but if your running your own buisness you will not be very succesful
also i said £110 labour not cost of......'' ie materials''

that works out at £85 pound after tax x5 =£425. if you are working as a sole trader you need to be really looking at £200 a day on some jobs I agree you have to gine a little if it below 10m2
gps........... id love to be on £200 a day, but the works not there at the moment, so it makes sence to charge £110 a day to ensure that i have some sort of income. one day when i more established i will charge £200 a day, but like any job u start at the bottom and work your way to the top. no one starts of at £ 200 a day, you've got to work for it.
gps........... id love to be on £200 a day, but the works not there at the moment, so it makes sence to charge £110 a day to ensure that i have some sort of income. one day when i more established i will charge £200 a day, but like any job u start at the bottom and work your way to the top. no one starts of at £ 200 a day, you've got to work for it.
Well said mate
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