Iv'e got a client trying it on

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s.p.t plastering

Active Member
Just skimming out 2 rooms today, liveing room and lounge, got the main room done and going to finish off the other tomorrow.

Now the bloke is working away and his missis is staying there and gave me a set of keys to get in and out, when i got there this morning eberything was in the front room new sofa, tv, everything, which he said he would get everything out, so i had to move it to one side of the room, skim that. then move back over to the skimmed side, on my own, hard to sheet it out properly, been a f**k**g nightmare. Now i finished it all, done a blinding job, cleaned up, put everything back as it was, which i shouldn't be doing. and got my kit in the other room ready for tomorrow.

Now the bloke has just phoned me and said he has spoke to his missus, and she is not happy with it, i said what's wrong with it, so he says "she just not happy with it"...

What the hell does that mean?

He is going to pay me for that rooom and leave the other room he said.. I reckon he is skint and trying to shaft me. Cause orgianily i price just for the liveing room which iv'e done, and he said would i do it cheaper if he had both done, so gave him a price for the 2, now he says he is only going to pay me half.

But he can't tell me whats wrong with it, going down in the morning to see her, with the kango, lol
just charge him the origional single room price then, if thers nothing wrong with your work and you can show theres nothing wrong with your work then there should be no problem...
his missus can love it or hate it, fact is most people havent got a clue what to expect anyway, she's prolly expecting to see her face in it...
id leave his missus out of it to be honest.. if he's the bloke who dealt with you in the first place, just deal with him...
some blokes like to stick the missus up front and when she gets arsey and you retaliate then out pops 'mr big man' and uses that as an excuse to get funny with you...
dont rise to it mate...
remember that post a while back with the builder whos wife was a hairdresser...
got her to f**k the subbies about, then played all inncocent...
Had a job to day went to look at for a builder who has a sorta regular maintenance with the big hotel in the town, meet the repair guy,bathroom one wall with 2 windows to skim,one wall to D&D half a wall to bond (why not do the job properly?) but he said they will be tiling top to bottom anyhow.

i said ita be a days work he said he was not happy to pay for a day as it was only a few hours work to do? im the plasterer here surly lol

i said to him this job is not direct to me but i dont do hourly rates i do a day or no day end off. the repair guy said he will not wanna pay more than £150 including materials for this job? and remember the builder has to add his money on to this and also pay so insurance fee on every job we do here? end of it all they repair guy said he will do it him self and if he ets stuck he will call us LOL some tight c**ts out there!
This is why my blood pressure is so high and i'm in theropy! I hate people like this and see red mist and it's not even me gettin shafted. I'd spend all night awake thinkin of how I can get revenge on the slimmy bar stools!!!!
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