Bill the badger
Well-Known Member
Will you stand up and be counted as a Christian or at least expell Islam from taking over the UK ?
Morning Smoother!Will you stand up and be counted as a Christian or at least expell Islam from taking over the UK ?
God bless Americathe dream, catholics/protestants/methodists/mormons/jehova witnesses/evangelists, to open there respective church in iran/pakistan/iraq/somalia/ etc, somewhere where they can go and pray and sing and have a church fete and do all this ,
the reality, there would be riots in the streets against these people, church will be burnt down, people will be attacked beaten up/killed,
the dream, islam in this country and beyond, stop the child marriages, the forced marriages, the sexual abuse of young girls, stop the burka being worn , the call to jihad, the suicide bombings , the no go areas they are trying to implement on our cities,
the reality, islam is slowly steadily by stealth taking over this country, these families and population are getting higher, with that comes more radicalisim, more violence , more deaths, in the decades to come , in our grandchildrens time they will be the dominant population, and because there will be so many of them , they will win every time at the ballot box/local election/general elections/ one day there will be the flag of islam above downing street, our whole way of life will have changed and gone for ever,
this is the uncomftorble realistic truth of what is happening and what will happen,
and anybody who can not see this needs to waken up ,
Yes you're a Carpathian aren't you !!I'm not a Christian.
Yes you're a Carpathian aren't you !!