Active Member
Right how many times you just finished a wall and thought that looks lovely then all of a sudden the sun shines in through the window and tears your f**kin work apart and looks more like a rock climbing wall? everyones kicked a halogen too close to the wall and seen the terrors that lurk beneath, 90% of the time we all get away with it, its just that 10 % that pisses me off the trouble is it looks good when its shadey and when its painted it looks fine but if the light catches wrong its all over. I recently finished my little ones room and i thought it looked all crisp and lovely i did the usual thing when working on your own house taking your time doing one wall at a time making sure it was all perfect, painted it still looking lovely then fitted a blackout blind so the kids can get to bed without the sun shining in, well what it actuall does it shines against the blind reflects it up the wall and makes it look shite
thinking about amesing it all and sanding it down, what ye all think.