Is there such a thing as the perfect finish?

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Right how many times you just finished a wall and thought that looks lovely then all of a sudden the sun shines in through the window and tears your f**kin work apart and looks more like a rock climbing wall? everyones kicked a halogen too close to the wall and seen the terrors that lurk beneath, 90% of the time we all get away with it, its just that 10 % that pisses me off the trouble is it looks good when its shadey and when its painted it looks fine but if the light catches wrong its all over. I recently finished my little ones room and i thought it looked all crisp and lovely i did the usual thing when working on your own house taking your time doing one wall at a time making sure it was all perfect, painted it still looking lovely then fitted a blackout blind so the kids can get to bed without the sun shining in, well what it actuall does it shines against the blind reflects it up the wall and makes it look shite :( thinking about amesing it all and sanding it down, what ye all think.
youre not wrong mate theres nothing we can do!!! and anyone who doesn't understand can go f*%K themselves ;D
renders worse but and i can't believe i'm saying this but does anyone know how tape jointing shows up ??
anyone ever heard of 'brewsters fringes'? its where light hits a double glazed unit (for example)...
what happens in units is the two peices of glass normally dish towards each other in cooler temperatures(due to molsieve absorbing nitrogen and built in negative pressure) but when it heats up a bit you can find that the two peices of glass can end up dead parallel...usually nearer the corners....what you get is an oily stain that looks horrendous but is actually a phenomenom caused by the glass being absolutely perfect...
what you could be lookin at bod is the worlds most perfect wall and the light is decieving you mate... 8-) long as it feels smooth you can get away with anything! ;)
Seeing it in my own house makes me think how many jobs have i done and the same thing has happened bet they think were rough as f**k and the times i have done jobs and they have wall lights they also have the same effect. Seggs that makes perfect sense thats what im gonna tell the missus me thinks ;D
ive plastered walls before and they look a bit sketchy, but when painted look perfectly flat, also some walls ive plastered when finshed have little wet patches all over, and i think feck that looks rough, but when painted is completly flat, dose any one else get this.
Wall lights are killer aswell its a good idea to cross grain float in a meter area around them also on rendering making sure you have the time to rule and fill in both coats paying particular attention to inbetween different lifts of scaffold also have enough time to float twice before using a spongue.
youre not wrong mate theres nothing we can do!!! and anyone who doesn't understand can go f*%K themselves  ;D
renders worse but and i can't believe i'm saying this but does anyone know how tape jointing shows up ??

Ya gotta joint fill perfectly flat then seal the whole wall before painting otherewise ya get stripes!
Its a good question, when i first started i tended to polish the f$*k out of walls and ceilings, but if they were not flat,or had cats faces, would look crap. Its better to give two good coats, flatten, wet and dry trowel, leave it alone. so long as its flat, the fats been taken off and theres no cat faces (misses), it will be fine when painted.
also was told to always hit the walls and ceiling with more light than it will normally get. ie big halogen light is passed over walls and ceiling when trowelling up.
b*ll***s have run out of wine, need some coke to watter it darn.
What your describing happens all the time, but its down to supervisors or management to understand why this is happening and fight your corner.
If you read your british standards or the new european standards as they are now they state that plastering is a hand craft and therefore a perfect finish is impossible. It also states that on areas of long walls or where shallow lighting or uplighters occur then a certain amount of shadows will always be visible and that the plasterer should be told of this before work commences.
This also happens when walls are vinyl silk painted or eggshell. Their shiney nature shows off all the bumps and hollows.
In short a builder is bound by certain codes to tell you what lighting or paint finish is to be applied to a particular area in order for you to at least try and achieve the best finish possible. A perfect wall is not possible but you try telling some know it all site agent that lol
where can i get a copy of the british standards thing! also have you noticed that bs is an abbreveation for something else ? ;D
did you tell him you had a trowel, not a magic wand? (got that one off danny, been waiting to use it for ages!!) ;D
The architect is pulling everyones work appart the sweaty looking fat f**k havent got a clue but on the other hand he's giving the builder stacks of work so everyones got to just do what he wants even the impossible ::)
u know wot bod? i really do get the impression youre gonna work yerself into an early grave mate...dont put up with it man, u dont have to...theres always a pole to fill your place, but you dont have to be that pole...
wise man said to me (scouser :o) earn more with your head than you do with your back....look at danny..
A wise old china man once said:"man go to bed withe itchy arse wake up in morning with smelly finger"

and you cant make a silk purse from a sow's ear lol
and never stick youre finger up youre ass while youre wan&king ;) ..............just a nail full 8-)
ill try and leave out too much info but it goes like this hnnnng ha ooh aah hnng aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ............deep feeling of guilt :'(
u know wot bod? i really do get the impression youre gonna work yerself into an early grave mate...dont put up with it man, u dont have to...theres always a pole to fill your place, but you dont have to be that pole...
wise man said to me (scouser  :o) earn more with your head than you do with your back....look at danny..

I have been told by another spread your just a bloody yes man the thing is i dont think im no different to any one else i have worked with hundreds of spreads and i dont work half as hard as half of them its just a bit competitive in bristol theres two brothers i know who works for one of the major companys in bristol and they mainly rough and set and they do 30 to 40 bags of hardwall a day and skim it all and they are finished by 3 everyday and one of them is in his 50's its all about the system you get into and one of our main objectives is finishing early into the pub couple of pints most days unfortunatley not at the mo :(
come on bodster i wasnt havin a dig, im miles from u and i work domestic...
what im sayin is that the difference between workin for someone else and hittin the domestic is massive in terms of wages...stick an ad in the paper and give it a month or 2 and youll earn the same money in 2 days as you would in 5 for someone else...f'ck the 'i wanna be a business' bollox, all it takes is an ad, end of. the tax/business you can look after once you get enough work in, they LEAVE YOU ALONE for 2 years, dont panic...but most of all, dont f'kin kill yerself man, were all in the same boat.. :)
well listen, the paper im in is the one that comes out every night 5 days...
costs me 58 quid a MONTH!!
put it in the free ads youll get sod all..
go for the paper that youd buy if you were lookin for a ...say...plumber...yes?
while your on site you can juggle your fact your in a better position than me? site pays the bills, domestic buys you a new car/sends you to bardados?? still work 5 days for a while, give the site some bollox, you aint gonna get f'cked off cos you already regular/on time/good the capitalist game for what it is...a game...
no dis mate straight up.. ::)
Brit standards for plastering can be picked up on ebay for about a quid.
do you honestly mean i have to pay for a set of rules laid down by the eu/uk government??
never tried gary, honest question...cant i find em anywhere else?? i can find anything from 'approved document a' to 'x' for free??
does take some rooting though ill admit..
The local paper here is the evening post and there's about 10 ads in there for spreads i suppose 11 aint gonna hurt i will just write im cheaper than the other 10 lol
theres 7 in mine and i get work mate, not up to my neck but enuff...
good tip, give the public what they want, people comment on my ad....CLEAN AND EFFICIENT, OVERSKIM REFURBISHMENT SPECIALIST...ARTEX CEILING OVERSKIMMED FROM 100 (small one that, gets you the lead though) FULL ROOM FROM 250 (again gets u the lead, u can do a small room in two easy sets but thats it for 250, any bigger u want 3,350,400)
COVING...this gets loads, people will pay 100 quid to cove a meduim room, a pack of cove costs 16 quid from wickes, takes as long as you wanna make it last mate...
ask your best drinkin buddy...(not a plasterer) 'how much do you reckon to skim your lounge ceiling'
end of.
do it mate, youre wasted on site
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