Is sand and cement rendering a thing of the past?

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New Member
As far as external rendering goes, I only offer the basic to coat sand and cement render, applied by hand. This is either left plain or we paint it for them.

I see a hear alot about k-rend, Monocouche and other finished being applied or sprayed on, without having to paint.

Will sand and cement soon be a thing of the past?

Will i need to learn the other finishes and invest in a pump/ spray machine to give me an equal chance of getting jobs in?

Do 'residential' customers buy into the modern finishes?
a lot of new build is now mono renders but if you are mainly residential then you will probably be fine with more tradtional methods.

If you can try and work with some of the guys on here that do mono renders to pick up some experience then when you feel confident you can offer your client more options.

sand and cement will never die. in some cases it will have to be installed on a like for like or say on some listed buildings where lime render must be replaced.
its all down to the client, if they want a better product they decide but you should offer them the choice. any new build will be speced with a modern system or an anti crack
I've only ever worked with S&C. But I have thought about trying to get some experience in working with the modern rendered finishes. Its being used on a lot of sites at the moment. Does anyone know of any training in the west mids?
try ocr as a first step on your next render job, use it instead of S&C lay it on abot 10mm one coat and rule float as normal, see how much better you think it is. then you can always try an acrylic finish over it if you like get someone of ere to apply it with you for the day by this time you will have a good idea if you prefer it also jump on a monocouche job with someone for the day foc they will show you the crack
its all down to cost... i always steer my customers away from sand and cement now as mono is much better job and doesnt need painting also more bucks for me
Render Systems said:
its all down to cost... i always steer my customers away from sand and cement now as mono is much better job and doesnt need painting also more bucks for me
i find the mono are geting less and less and sand and cement is makeing a come back all down to cost as u say
Render Systems said:
its all down to cost... i always steer my customers away from sand and cement now as mono is much better job and doesnt need painting also more bucks for me

sand and cement looks much better when done right
primo baserend sprayed on and scratched then spongefloated gives the flattest s&c finish i have seen. best of both worlds. do love a bit of brick plinth though
no grand i mean we stumbled across it by accident but if you spray on baserend like monocouche except not quite as proud, then scratch it back the next day, then use a garden sprayer to lube whilst you sponge it.. it closes in the scratched texture to more like rubbed up s&c but with the sharpness/flatness of the scratching process.....a sort of monocouche sand and cement traditional stylee
its not so much the scraped finish but the dry way in which its formed or carved which because almost set gives you near perfect walls as opposed to finishing semi other words its the process of mono which is superior for sharpness.......but in my other post you can combine this process with baserend and achieve the best of both worlds :)
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