is it just me?????

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New Member
am i being a tool???
i do a nice bit of work for a local fireplace company. You know, easy work, patching up,
making good the new fire surround.
don't get me wrong, its easy work and its quite regular, BUT
the owners of the houses are forever hovering over my shoulder, watching me. very uncomfortable.
really pisses me off >:(
had this one geezer the other week sat on my shoulder like a pirates parrot, never left my side for a second.
after you've finished, the t**t cast his eye over it and says, "Nice, wont be any hairline cracks will there?"
GIT. I could have twated him straight in the mush.

anyone else get the same???
i cant stand the customer thats always watchin over your shoulder, i just say '' i would prefer if you could just let me crack on please'' or if you know them just tell them to feck off ;D
mate i totally understand what ya saying we get it all the time, it puts me off working domestic, i cant stand it, it dont bother me gaffer cause hes an old pro he has full blown conversations with them while hes slapping it on, but its really flusters me on a few occasions ive had it where they stare at ya, i hate it when the gaffer watches me, i feel under pressure when eyes r on me :'(

plus if u make a mistake and need to cover ya tracks and correct it they there and its awkward

make me think i go work on a site

i fcuking hate it, i wanna jus concentrate without sum punk bogging :o
i hate the ones that dont say anything.... they just let u in, say good morning and smile. u crack on all day, they dont offer you tea or coffee and when you finish they smile and just say bye. and you come back the next day and same again. or is it just me ;D

i prefer the ones that bring tea....... and say how do you get it so flat. you know were u r with those one's
hate to be a kiljoy but all my clients just watch in amazement and say how do you do it ;D never mind youngest trowel in time like a fine wine you will mature and like me soon be playing to the crowd ;)
I dont see what the problem is if your confident in your work and what your doing then it shouldnt really matter if someone is watching or not after all you are in their house.
Like a fine wine, ill mature, what are you, the picasso of plastering???
Like a fine s**t, you'll stink as you do now
cocky sod ;D ;D ;D ;D
now and again u'll get a customer and all they do is swear....... feck this feck that, feck off will you.

also did a job the other day & the guy just took the piss out of me all day.
the owners of the houses are forever hovering over my shoulder, watching me. very uncomfortable.
really pisses me off >:(
had this one geezer the other week sat on my shoulder like a pirates parrot, never left my side for a second.
after you've finished, the t**t cast his eye over it and says, "Nice, wont be any hairline cracks will there?"
GIT. I could have twated him straight in the mush.

anyone else get the same???

smile at them, offer them the trowel and say "fancy a go?" they may stand there for a while but they'll soon disappear ;)
poor old spreadney, never herd of eating the stuff before.
must be the one and only
knew a geezer had a shite in the water tank of a customer he didn't like [smiley=bath.gif] [smiley=evil.gif]
I dont see what the problem is if your confident in your work and what your doing then it shouldnt really mate if someone is watching or not after all your are in their house.

i agree but i aint confident :'(

still new too it
I dont see what the problem is if your confident in your work and what your doing then it shouldnt really mate if someone is watching or not after all your are in their house.

i agree but i aint confident  :'(

still new too it

It does depend on the customer, some can get the blood boiling, confident or not!! Just grin, exsume confidence and slap an extra £20 on the price. Pricks that take the piss are just jealous,wanky wrist sh$ts, who have to pay for YOU to wipe their ass.
poor old spreadney, never herd of eating the stuff before.
must be the one and only
knew a geezer had a shite in the water tank of a customer he didn't like [smiley=bath.gif] [smiley=evil.gif]
Thats naughty, but very funny, a cant stop grinning at the thought of shitey water. ;D

I once got told that someone pissed and shite and then proceeded to knock up their first mix. Body extrements included. Clucking bell. ; :D
I once got told that someone pissed and shite and then proceeded to knock up their first mix. Body extrements included. Clucking bell. ;

i love that one, gonna have to try it some day
i had a job downstairs toilet a real small room under the staircase .... only a re-skim . but only enough room to get me and me trowel in .... but the owner was still stood in the doorway blocking wot little light i had ... had to keep asking him to move so i could get to me skim..... he was also worried about me spilling skim on his brand new laminate flooring(which i never) but why do these people get the flooring down when they know there gonna get more work done ... he made an easy job hard ... my mate tiled the walls a week or so later and he got exactly the same hassle....
prolly gonna rock the boat here a bit but...
i honestly cant see what the problem is? most jobs i do, the customers interested to see how i achieve what i acheive using nothing but a trowel and hawk...
we have to realise that most of em have never seen a plasterer go right through the motions from start to finish...
i remember when i was younger, before i'd eve picked up a trowel i was fascinated by it, given the chance i'd be right up behind any tradesman, asking questions, making a pain in the arse out of myself...
the end result is ive ended up picking up thousands of tips and tricks of many trades, not just plastering...
personally i quite enjoy the attention, it breaks the monotony of the job, gives me a sense of pride to be able to explain my skills to someone who cant... after all, im the 'man that can' arent i?
people are naturally inquisitive, its to be expected...
the thing i'm not exactly keen on is the tw't that stands behind you all day with a nice cup of tea without offering you one, watching you sweat like a fat bird at a disco assuming the whisk doubles up as a teasmaid...
i even got a t-shirt printed up once with 'coffee 2 sugars' on the back after a chavvy woman and her six nightmare kids actually took 'cinema style' seating behind me (drinking tea) whilst i ripped out their big lounge feature window...
i asked em to move for safety reasons... they didnt...
so rather than knock the huge great crittle out in one peice keeping the glass intact i just stuck my hammer through all the glass...
soon f'cking moved then!!!
'remember when i was younger, before i'd eve picked up a trowel i was fascinated by it, given the chance i'd be right up behind any tradesman, asking questions, making a pain in the arse out of myself... '

when you get lads like this 99% of the time they turn out to be good spreads
and the other 1 percent turn out to be right pikeys!! have a go at anything they will... ;D
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