is it imperative 2 flatten ur 1st coat an mix agen

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New Member
Ive been reading looooooooads on this site about 'flattening' the 1st coat,out of curiosity,i bought that golden trowel skimmin dvd an he does the same,but what happens when ur throwin 3 bag gauges on like me,an the 1st coat has gone in too much too flatten?i never mix a 2nd lot up to 2nd coat,i 1st coat wit 2 bags say,an 2nd coat with wots left in my tub.i did a 220 squared foot ceilin today,an it was the 1st time ever i had 2 mix fresh stuff to 2nd coat coz id ran out of stuff!!an it was horrible layin fresh stuff onto a 'gone in' 1st coat,tho it had gone in a bit like!! took me 25 mins to jus 1st coat the b*stard!

but goin back 2 what i was sayin,if u got time 2 flatten ur 1st coat,then u mus either move like lightenin or jus put on one bag?? i try an squeeze the 1st coat lines out wiv my 2nd coat,then flatten it,2 waters then a dry one.
Re: is it imperative 2 flatten ur 1st coat an mix

if youre laying on flat enough then there shouldnt be any need should there? or should there????? the plot thickens yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Re: is it imperative 2 flatten ur 1st coat an mix

get yourself a decent labourer that will flatten out for you,makes life a lot easier
Re: is it imperative 2 flatten ur 1st coat an mix

i was taught to scratch, quick trowel and then lay down, i usually do this on private work as it makes it look slightly better IMO, if your on site just lay straight down
Re: is it imperative 2 flatten ur 1st coat an mix

if i had a choice imo id do it the other way round as 90% of my work is site work so i try to stay in business and jo public prob doesn't have a clue
Re: is it imperative 2 flatten ur 1st coat an mix

try giving it one thin coat of fresh on top of your two coats from the same gauge makes the world of difference
Re: is it imperative 2 flatten ur 1st coat an mix

We put first coat on, quick trowel to flatten and sort internal corners with corner trowel. Second coat, 2 trowels then polish. Finish is outstanding. We will normally hit about 30-40 metres per batch.
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