is every 1 grafting as usual

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New Member
just wondering if any1 has found it harder to get work since this credit crunch crap has came about some people say it hasnt made a diffrence n others say the opposite
I have just gone on my own and i was told by loads of people now is not the time well how wrong were they i'm flat out for at least 3months and thats only word of mouth in the last 2 weeks!!!
but on sayin that i know of loads of joiners/builders out of work one out of work brickie done a complete extension for a grand thats how desperate he is???????
hope you havent made the classic mistake of bein to cheap clover...if you have its no surprise your flat out, but in six months time youll be skint, knackered and resentful...
if not, good on yer..
im busy at the mo but if all goes wrong ill av ta get the mrs on the game..or worse ring round local firms..
hope you havent made the classic mistake of bein to cheap clover...if you have its no surprise your flat out, but in six months time youll be skint, knackered and resentful...
if not, good on yer..
No mate one bloke had a quote @400 i went in at 500 and he still had me maybe cos i talkin more BS than the other plasterer had one the other day a garage ceiling and a small utility room at the back took a day just skim and tape no materials all supplied £200 one bloke quote him£700 and the other £540????
be about right mate, i might have gone 200 for his utility then threw the garage on for 50, but id have been ok with 200...made a mistake of doin a mates house a while back for 130 a day, big house too...
just did a room a day but i was still pissed of at the end of it...i learnt that you can always come down in price but its a whole different story trying to add extras or increase your rates....
I think it def has slowed down.i've gone back doing a bit for a mate i used to work for less money but less money is better than no money!I know brickies that have had there day rate dropped down to 110 a day so the firm they work for can stay competetive as theres not much about.Add to that rising deisel costs bills going out the roof food a fortune and your house losing a grand a month everything in the garden looks rosy :-[
been working for mates alot lately, and charging mates rates. not anymore no mates in business, unless they've done you a favour
it's not dead here but if it's just the start it's getting competitive :-/
............pretty soon i reckon it'll be not what you know but who you know
Times like these usually sorts out the bad uns, and this have been forecasted for years. I think its gonna last a few years aswell.
good point get rid of the poles and the pi*s taking skimmers but when it does come back round with projected house builds the good spreads will be more hungry than ever .............beware you 2 week coursers :P
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