Internal corner expansion bead

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Wavy Davy

New Member
I'm rendering where 2 outside walls meet - a thermalite block wall and a brick wall. Can anyone recommend an internal corner expansion bead. Not many manufacturers seem to make them. Thanks
Couldn't you use 2 stop beads back to back with something like a polysulphide let's be honest your not really going to see it in corner as such
Thanks. Could try that. Maybe that's what most people do and possibly why corner expansion beads are hard to get.
I take it the polysulphide is a kind of mastic/sealant?
Give Wemico or SAS a call and ask for their tech team… they have more beads than they show on their website

These 2 are the main manufacturers, most of the rest are retailers

Good luck
We just squeeze an expansion bead into the joint they do come out a little thicker to work into so base coat you’re thermalite wall after