internal 120 angle issue

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New Member
whats the best way to get a nice finish on a 120 degree internal agle..... i dont mean on a external beaded angle i understand to just stretch the bead for this .... but an internal angle if i'm making sense???? do you just do the best you can or is there a trick to it??
If its just a skim i do it free hand (used to use a straight edge in early days). I just use a straight edge When roughing now. But until you feel confident use a straight edge or even a thin coat stop bead if you like
:-X :-X :-X
rockhard what happens when you go over the line with plaster?
rockhardsolidplastering said:
spunky keep the back of your trowel clean take your time and work away from line just like colouring in,if any goes over take it off
colouring in ;D ;D ;D
i think spunky was takin the p'ss mate... its just spunky.. ;D
no serious ;D.......if you ping a chalk line how the fook can you work to it ???...a little bit of chalk on board doesnt stop youre trowel moving around when youre troweling up ......also how does the stop bead thing work cause when youve done one side youre still working into a hard angle ?
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