insurance work..

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New Member
hi everyone ,how do you guys go about insurance work???went and see this guy who said the insurance company have told him to just get 1 quote ..its a kitchen ceiling to take down ,put new one up and artex..he has also asked me to put a new ceiling up on the landing and to put on price of kitchen ceiling..the landing ceiling is small and the kitchen ceiling will prob take3 sheets of 8 by 4 give or take a little to price??????????any advice???????
ive done this many times in the past, put a price in about 650,700 always add on about 50% with insurance work
Yeah we do alot of insurance work. Sometimes they ask for 3 written quotes from different plasterers. We give them 3 with £10 of a difference on each ;D go in heavy anyway.
Yep, at least 50% or if you can strike a deal with the customer , double your normal rate - By striking a deal I mean if it was gonna be a 500 pound job normally, go in at 900 and offer the customer 100 quid for his trouble - You take home 800 , he gets a oner and everyone's happy - This only works of course if your quote is accepted but when it does, its a good earner - recently did a 'patch' job ona water damaged ceiling - Loaded the quote to say that once patched, the whole ceiling would need to re-skimmed and re-coved , quoted £785 which was accepted - Once accepted, customer asked me to just patch and make good with Easy fill - He didn't want me to skim the ceiling cos it was a property he rented out so in the end, I walked away with £500 for 3 hours work and he had 285 in his pocket - Highly irregular and come along once in a blue moon but when they do....
bloomin heck.. 3,6x2.4 aint exactly big either lewis!! that equates to one reasonable ceiling if you add the 2 together, 1 set of skim...
take yer time mate!!
hope yer get the job :D
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