Insurance jobby

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Had some one ring me this mornin and ask for a quote. asked what it was, "its a 3 ft piece of ceilin thats come down, oh and its an insurance job so I dont mind what you charge" !
No but the insurance people will!
No chance Ive learnt my lesson with cheap. Thats a normal price in my book. Never done an insurance job but was told on here to double or triple the quote coz you can wait up to 6 months for your coin.
Its gonna take a mornin so theres a full days pay and £100 per day to me is builders price.
Not too sure what to do. Was thinkin more along the line of £300 plus mat. Which is £10.
Plus theres gonna probably be 2 other quotes so might not even get it.
get a mate to put in a slightly higher price then you will get the job. make it sound a bit more than it is. ie skip etc . anything under 500 and you should be ok . that s what i do with my mate that helps me out sometimes ;D
the insurance company will want 3 quotes so dont go daft with your price because they will take the cheapest. If your gonna over price it so much you might aswell not even bother wasting your time pricing the job. I usually go in at standard day rate plus half, and tell the customer to pay you cash as the insurance company will send the cheque in their name usually ( not always )
its becoming popular now for insurance companies to send someone round to asess the works after completion, I am having a right jumble at the mo with an insurance co. about some rendering work they want every section of the quote broken down even to the point of seeing if i have profit on mats (which i dont). I am on the verge of tellin em to sling it cos the price is tight anyway
Put in a massive price!

Insurance company charges me 400 n odd quid a year and I never claimed once on my van, and they have the cheek to put it up each year, do I become a greater risk by not crashing somehow?

F*ck 'em I say.

10 quid says I crash tomorow now I said all that
ask the customer what his excess is, tell him you will put it on the quote, so it costs him nothing, extra incentive to use you, also tell him you will quote for decorating as insurance will or should pay for this too, its worked with every insurance job ive done,admitedly ive only done 6 or 7 but it works for me, i was told that the insurance company dont usually send an accessor unless price is over £1000.....dunno if its true or not
and be careful if patching the ceiling, any cracks and customer complains the insurance company will tell him to chase you, i dont patch on insurance jobs, tell him the insurance company has an obligation to put the ceiling as it was ie, no patches, overboard and skim. i tell them that the integrity of the ceiling will be compromised by patching, worked so far for me.
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