insulation boards


do the exterior walls need to be perfectly flat when putting on the ewi and if there are voids between wall and the insulation is that a concern for condensation only asking as i am considering taking on a few jobs that house holders are now asking about
It is preferable if the walls are flat. On uneven walls it's better to butter out the boards on the back and stick them on filling out any voids so it's solid and then pin the boards. Imho
in ideal world walls will be flat. but the retro fit solid houses we go over are far from it.
aslong as your insulation is consistant and not full of gaps youll be fine
thanks for that but some walls i have come across especially old stone walls thy are so uneven that you could walk up them,but anyway would i have to be registered to become an installer or can i order the materials through a builders merchant and i know this sort of work is under building regs
if youve never done it before get someone to.doit with you atleast.

sounds a pig of a job and would get a spec for a stone wall.

yes it has to comply with build regs