interesting.... however.... me being the ultimate sceptic etc..
garage conversion say, needs someting like a 0.35 w/m2k u value which equates to around 50mm of cellotex..
now, the 'k' value of 'cellotex in general, never mind the thickness' is something like 0.02, you need 50mm of cellotex to acheive a 'u value' of 0.35.... see where this is going?
this stuff gives a figure of 0.07 w/mk - no 'm2' which lets me belive its the 'k' value, not the 'u value' which would mean youd need 150mm of this stuff to match cellotex... either that or its a job for trading standards..

i could be wrong, and its a nice marketing strategy, but it aint gonna solve the worlds emmision problems so unless its price is comparable to other more established products its only gonna be used in the most demanding of specs...
beware the salesman my son.... (or the way things are written, theyre misleading)
(figures used are approximate, please dont go splitting hairs, theyre near enough...)