Insulating a single skin wall in the porch

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New Member
Hello all,

having all the house plastered at the moment, before the porch is plastered i would like to insulate it as it is now part of the house but made of a single skin.

As the porch is not that big (2m x 1.5m) i was going to glue 100mm thick celotex (already purchased) against the wall and then glue the plasterboard onto that.

Ive chosen 100mm thick as it will blend into a double brick column that goes around the door so when its plastered you wont be able to tell its not a double skin wall.

Having now researched it i think it will be better to stud wall it and use the insulation in the gaps (as i have done on another larger wall)

What i am concerned about is i have read that a vapour barrier is required?? what is this vapour barrier and where does it go?

Is this the best way to insulate a single skin wall?

Many thanks

A vapour barrier would go over the studs before you fix plaster board or you can buy foil backed boards for this instead.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Already got the boards so i'll look for a vapour barrier.

Any particular type? trade names to go for?

Many thanks
Screwfix or wickes will be fine For a vapour barrier, I've used their vapour barriers before, just fix to studs with a stapler.
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Thank you very much.

As i have been searching around various places i have found that it is recommended to keep a 25mm gap between the existing wall and the new insulation.

This means my 100mm celotex is too thick and i'll have to swap it for a 75mm one. or do you think that as long as there is some air gap it will be ok.

Many Thanks

You can fix battens to the wall then fix cellotex to the battens & this way you will have an air gap & also won't need a vapour barrier as long as you tape the joints with cellotex tape.
Then fix plasterboard through to battens.

There is another way I heard of, fixing cellotex direct to the wall then 25mm battens over the top then plasterboard.
But i'm not 100% sure maybe best to check with cellotex.

I have heard of the first method, this would also save me the cost of the stud work.

To fix the plasterboard to the battens would require quite long screws though, can you get plasterboard screws that long?

I had a look at the celotex tape, just looks like alu tape.

Cheers for the info
You can get 100mm drywall screws from screwfix.

Think I'd go for the studwall option if it was me.
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