If you could change...

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What happens at the moment? Do the companies drag their feet make excuses etc?

Reason I'm asking as I'll be setting up a domestic maintenance co and aim to contract things out - so want to get it right when i use guys like you
where I originate from if you didn't pay up on time someone would kick fck out you old fashioned values they called it /some how seemt to work
What happens at the moment? Do the companies drag their feet make excuses etc?

Reason I'm asking as I'll be setting up a domestic maintenance co and aim to contract things out - so want to get it right when i use guys like you
my terms are 14 days from invoice...
bigger companies im on 30days from end of month.

really anything over 30days your going to get hassle mate
I have noticed that, it's like something has changed/been on the turn in the past five years, when I got the trades in on my previous house they were quite surprised I paid there and then

where I originate from if you didn't pay up on time someone would kick fck out you old fashioned values they called it /some how seemt to work
That's good to know - thankyou, so if I were to offer payment at end of the day in cash (subject to quality and so on?)
pros..... you wont be short on people wanting to work for you.

if you look round in a day or 2 and something isnt what you expect or upto standards.. getting them back will be a mission.

7 days i bank after invoice would be a good place to start
where I originate from if you didn't pay up on time someone would kick fck out you old fashioned values they called it /some how seemt to work
I work by week and even. Been fuct for a grand or so so lots cheeky builders out there hence I don’t work for them just customers wanting plastereing
You guys are so much nicer than me.

I require 35% up front for projects $10,000 or less and final payment due the day of completion. Larger projects have a pay schedule based on milestones and payment must be received before next phase starts. That way you're never behind on payment. I'll tell people when is getting close so they can be ready with the check. I'm flexible if things have been going smoothly and I'll work with people if they aren't jerks about it but I never outrun the money by more than a grand.

On a few contracts where I think the builder is sketchy I've added a clause that after 7 days a 1% charge is added every day payment is late. Never got a chance for it to kick in but never had a problem anyone being even a little late when that was in there either.

I think if you are consistent with requiring a signed contract on everything and a deposit before a job is scheduled you're pretty safe. (At least that's what worked for me thus far.)

@Danny Can't imagine waiting 120 days to be paid. At that point they're essentially using you as a bank for no interest loans. I hope you're figuring interest into your bid.
Finish house we been on today. Get paid today . Offered it me yesterday . Three builders I work for pay me every fri . Two pays when i ask or end of job . If i had a job in December for one and needed cash today he would be happy to pay me .
Think i.m lucky really as i.ve got a nice click who are sound except one who sometime takes 2 days to transfer