If this dont warm ye heart ye not a plasterer

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John j

Mono Don
Just meshed a few rooms and had a thought that made me really happy .
Meshing interiors new to me so not sure how long it's been getting done. But I cant f**k**g wait till w**k*r c**t b*****d sparkies have to do rewires on em.. they moved to top of my other trade I hate this month .. wankers
Just meshed a few rooms and had a thought that made me really happy .
Meshing interiors new to me so not sure how long it's been getting done. But I cant f**k**g wait till w**k*r c**t b*****d sparkies have to do rewires on em.. they moved to top of my other trade I hate this month .. wankers
Just meshed a few rooms and had a thought that made me really happy .
Meshing interiors new to me so not sure how long it's been getting done. But I cant f**k**g wait till w**k*r c**t b*****d sparkies have to do rewires on em.. they moved to top of my other trade I hate this month .. wankers

Just meshed a few rooms and had a thought that made me really happy .
Meshing interiors new to me so not sure how long it's been getting done. But I cant f**k**g wait till w**k*r c**t b*****d sparkies have to do rewires on em.. they moved to top of my other trade I hate this month .. wankers

Oh, pleeeze tell me you used chicken wire..!
