I need a start

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New Member
How hard is it to get a full time job as a plasterer, I am now considering contacting plastering companys in and around the Uk, I would like to work for a plastering firm that cover all aspects of plastering I am now finding out how difficult looking for plastering work is without having wheels/driving licence.
Haa :RpS_laugh: cheers for that , not if I am working for a company that has a good run of work on large contracts or even another plasterer my tools can get transported in the company van which they have been , I have managed so far with a large shoulder bag and trolley using London transport trains buses and thats with my feather edges but clearly not my 2.5 m
haa what on earth is Bag a wag you have a thing about Bags? clearly dont have work to offer me or a start are you a 1 man band
, not quite I got three calls yestarday one from a developer , another plasterer and a multy trade a bungalow a shop and a victorian house, when working for them pic me up with my tools , the plasterer its only as and when needed usally a few ceilings here and there brakes in between
Bag a wag, that has nothing to do with my add , how ever I dont need money in my pocket to pull mate:RpS_lol:
An old mate of mine used to get from job to job around London in a black cab! Galvanised bath,the lot! LOL!! That was early 80s though,doubt he would get many takers now especialy if he is going south of the water! LOl!
i know a ''spread'' who walks to his jobs with all his tools in the kids buggy, personally i need a very large van to cart 2 tons of shite around with me all day every day
oh dear , not sure about the kids buggy, better off with the mobile tool box on wheels

A galvanised bath thats as pigs troth or whats used as a pigs troth had one in my college
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