Hydraulic lime 3.5

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New Member
Hello lads ;D
i usually just do board and skim work these days, but have just got the job of re-pointing the outside of an old stone converted church with lime mortar. i've looked in to it and it seems i've to use hydraulic lime 3.5, which is all well and good...i understand that it's to be mixed with 0.075 - 5 mm sand. Thing is, i ain't sure whether i need to mix the lime with water making a putty first and leave to mature, or just mix up the lime and sand in a bucket??? :-\
anyone got any experience with this stuff... would appreciate the advice ;)
Just add water mate that will be fine you will need approx 10kg of mix per m2 i can get you the gear if you need it delivered
tree said:
cheers mate, how long will it hang around for?
If your just doing pointing make sure its compacted in well and hard and keep the mix stiffish just knock enough up for the days work but if you have to much just put it in a plastic bag and it should be ok the next day... just knock it up again using very little water if any
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