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it's a backing coat for k-rend mate lovely to stick beads up with, ring around mate someone'll stock it
also mate if you are using it as a base coat ring k-rend with the details of the job and ask their advise you might need hpx plus acrylic r7 which is pretty dear, if it goes tit's up it's alot of materials to pay for!!
thought hp 12 was scrim adhesive,for scriming external insulation boards,ill check in the morning,(ill read the bags)
it prob is mate you do use it to encorparate the srcrim cloth or just for a key for mono renders ............ha ha my space bar is fooked ;D
HP 12 is a prep key coat, use this on engineering/stock brick, or smooth concrete similar to weber rend aid. HPX is for bedding fibre glass mesh on expanded polystyrene ect dear though.
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