how to repair plaster over old laths

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New Member
Hello all,

I am trying to pick your brains?? I have got a job to do in an old victorian House. Its a re skim in the bathroom. Not a problem so far. Where the tiles have been removed the plaster has also come off in patches. It an old lath and plaster wall.
They dont want it all removed just repaired and skimmed.

My question is how woulod you go about this??
I am thinking P.V.A laths to seal then use bonding to level then skim...
Would I need to use EML wire over the laths so the bonding adheres to the wood???

Any other ideas would be helpfull!!

Give the laths a good pva then just mix up the bonding a bit stiffer than normal and press it in... Then skim away!!
plast010580 said:
Thanks men!!!!

Saves me some money on P.V.A

Bigmart would the mix of p.v.a be the same???

Yep or as flynny said a good brush with water. I prefer PVA but its not vital as long as its wet!!
i get my fun from getting paid,an the sooner the better the quicker i can have my fun,so drywall for me.
For some reason i only get s*x on paydays?????????????? why i dont know ????? maybe its the smell off the cash that gets her going????
Would love i nice paid job daily for a few momths!
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