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New Member
can anyone give me a approx price on the following, sorry about the sizes this is what my mate give me as approx sizes

Spare room ceiling (probably plasterboard it as it is Artex, then skim?)

Spare room walls (7ft x 3ft) will I imagine need a skimming

Main Bedroom will need walls skimming(10ftx5ft) (maybe)

Downstairs hallway ceiling (5ft x 2ft)(again plasterboard then skim)

Front Room (20ft x 10ft) needs ceiling and probably walls skimming

Dining Room (10ft x 8ft) skimming walls

Dining Room ceiling has Artex so again plasterboard.
first off i reckon your mate needs to buy a new tape :-?
id just do a search round the forum for 'artex ceiling' and 'how much', everyones got a slightly different pricing system/method of dealing with artex....boarding over probably being a last resort for most of us...
these questions pop up a lot, maybe its time danny designed up an faq section???
welcome to the bucket btw :D
a hate mates rates they think you shud be doing it for nothing :o

too right mate, i like to say if they wanna pay what i would lose by takin the time off to come and do their job then no worries...dont mind too much if im quiet an its cash though...

the other one is when people say if i give u another job would you do it cheaper, the answer is...
only if it costs me less!
you wouldnt go down the pub as a regular and expect a discount on your beer would you..
Sorry unless he lives in a dolls house the measurements are wrong which means it's impossible to say for sure. For a start the spare room...... single beds are 6ft x 3ft!

You don't necessarily have to overboard artex it depends on whether it's deep, sound etc. You may be able to scrape it back bond it and skim or even a tight coat of bonding and skim.

Mates rates Hmmm!

5 rooms assuming they're actually average size and not what's shown at least £1500 plus labourere and materials and I wouldn't let them supply them.

Thats all 5, four walls and lid. £300 per room which is a bargain.
thanks folks.

I here what you are saying about the measurements, I didn't even think about it, I'll go around myself and measure.
u want to go steady with the "mates rates" unless your are in the trade or any building trade ppl tend not to realise how much hard work goes in to the job, i posted on here few months back bout a mate wanting his artex staircase done.
i put £900 some other geezer did it for £250. made me look a c**t.
therefore my mate (who is lot older than me) who use to dj with me, also go out on town with him for best part of 7 yrs no longer speaks to me. lol

so my advice would be to go steady. if its just the 1 wall then fair enough i dont mind that for 60-70 sheets. but if its a big then job they usually think anything over 300 is overpricing.
Spot on Mac.
Skimmed a new stud wall (about 6' across) for a mate for £50.
Year later asked me to look at his bathroom. Needed complete float and set and skim ceiling.
I said £300. They said dont want to pay that much.
Not a clue!!
what do people think they shud be paying you honestly a cup of tea n sum peanuts(probably)they obviously think that your not giving them a fair deal do they not understand that this is your living they dont relise the time n skill your giving them its like if you think am having your pants down mate do it yourself n f##k it up.there my rant is over goodday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd encourage your mate to phone around locally and get a rough idea of how much it'd cost and then say you'll do it a bit cheaper, but not for peanuts. That way you're still helping out, but not entirely for nothing ;)
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