How much can you spread per set - hall stairs and landing

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New Member
Hey up

Was wondering how much you guys like to spread in one set when doing hall stairs and landing,- you know no room to swing a cat, the need for ladders and plank, lots of small fiddly bits and reveals etc etc.

I done one over the last 2 days. I was spreading 1 bag for my first coat each set using board finish onto Wickes bonding agent.

Just wondered about others.

a couple of bags ??? depends on the job really mate everyones different
depend on the set the big wall can useally hit no prob with couple of small angles maybe three bags but then you come on to the fidally bits and you might not even get a bag on so all depends. as not every gauge is the same
just half what youd normally do mate, its either that or end up getting wet plaster all over cos your panicking.. then get it on yer shoes... then slip off the ladder and break yer bleedin neck..
h/s/l to me? 400 squid..
I usually do the big drop wall first in the morning.No good doing it at the end of the day when your tired and chasing up and down ladders.Also no good doing it first thing in the morning after a heavy night on the sauce also!!
If your worried about it ,or your not that quick do the high bit off the ladders first and the bottom half next set and just polish all together.

The average 3 bed semi h/s/l takes me 1 1/2 days on own inc the ceilings £450 all in for a good job.
Could do in 1 day with laborourer helping easy.
Like segs says safety is paramount if your a dirty bast@@d with the muck it could end in tears the drop wall is the most important so it must be right else you aint getting paid.
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