How long till painting

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Ive got a job on monday plastering over artex and re-skimming all the walls. Theyve asked how long it has to wait till they can paint it as its there living room and obviously want to get it completed. I was told 3 weeks by someone but didint think multi would take that long to go off. Its only multi on the artex aswell as the artex was done badly and it only a couple mil thick. Any advice would be appreciated
lol who told u three weeks? sack him. or maybe you asked the wrong question?
or maybe, if you dont know who long plaster takes to dry you maybe shouldnt be skimming this room out?
2-5 days, 2 if its on normally, 5 if its on 8mm thick round the windows... and youve overdone the pva, or theres no heat..
you should know this..
sorry to sound harsh, im just bollocking u before you end up looking a t't...
That was actually my old college tutor. Thats apparently the recommended time. Well fortunately I havent had to start taking on decorating jobs yet, so tbh wouldnt have a clue about how long to leave it. I just slap it up and leave the rest to them.
I,d like some of this multi that takes 3 weeks to go off!! :D

I,ve seen it dry out in a day, when the heatings been on full whack (not advisable) and take up to 7 days when a bit of roughing has been used to make good.
Wickes sell paint that can be applied to wet (but set!!!) or should I say drying plaster. I wouldnt want to use it but though it might be worth mentioning.
i reckon your on about 'paint for new plaster' topmark, i dont reckon it should be on before its gone pink though...
trowel addict will have the last say on here bein as he's a p+d bloke too but my recomendation is usually 50/50 mist coat then 2 coats of whatever letting each dry properly..
what say u addict?
o college tutor, got the feeling you asked the wrong question or in the wrong context...
render and skim, 3 weeks, but your not supposed to repaint anything for a year in a newbuild right? gary?
Wickes definatley sell paint for drying plaster, "specifically formulated to allow the plaster to continue drying after application" It says on the tin if my old memory is not too inebriated ;D I wouldnt use it myself cos it defies my own logic. I Normally size the new plaster with wickes matt white with 10% water added, myself if fitting a kitchen or bathroom.
suppose if its breathes it cant hurt..
seen a painter a while back going over ceilings with a 2 and one coat? wot?
If you go over drying plaster with emulsion it doesnt "pull in" to the plaster, I figure it would peel and flake eventually.
yeh silks a bugger for it, you defo need a mist coat with silk, but white matte on a ceilings a different story..
id still prefer to wait 2 days though... it'll save 20 quid in paint!!
yea i spose he could have thought i was using bonding etc. Im sure the people on these DIY programs paint new plaster the next day. I said to them it should be ready in about 3/4 days so theyre happy. Just been asked for a price on a tricky job. Its at a butchers unit, the actual cutting area is all plastic cladding for hygiene but theres a corridor with fridges each side that is constantly refridgearated (i think thats a word). The bloke used to be a builder and wants the ceiling board and set, but the constant low temp and amount of moisture is gonna be a bugger. I suggested he plastic clad it but hes 100% on plaster. Dont really want to say no as he also wants a price for skimming the canteen and offices.
personally id price the job as normal on the proviso that any obstacles are moved out of the way and explain about the low temp affecting drying / setting etc.. balls in his court then..
ive done a couple of jobs in the past where the customer has left it months 2 paint and they have cracks appearin. i always tell my customers to paint when its totally dried, but i suppose if ur leavin it months till u paint it, its gonna crack cos the walls arnt sealed. am i right in sayin this. these jobs were reskims not onto b oard
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