60 mile round trip for me today, half hour there half hour back.
I used to do all that travelling & working away.
Maximum i do now is about 120 mile round trip that's only now & again.
stay in digs over and hour and half, im in wimledon at mo and the b&b is 22 a night so why knacker yourself sat in the van for 5 hours aday. im 2 miles from the job, and managed to log onto someones network ;D ;D ;D
I try to not work further than30 mile radius,but got the offer of some work in buckinghamshire for a landlord i do a lot of work for so will be traveling 2 hrs eachway a day from leicester to bucks in the next few weeks.A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do........
Been working about 45 min away at the moment depending on traffic, but tomorow i have to work about 5-10 min away from my house and i cant drive, as there isnt any parking, its in the city center rite pain in the arse getting picked up 7ish cant get inducted til 8 so gotta wait around twiddling me thumbs :-\.................Spunky went to start the same job and walked straight off.............and so did my mate now its all down to me to get on with it
260 miles each way today for me, from home (NW Derbyshire) right down to Brighton. Left at 4am and just got home an hour ago
Not been spreading today, been working for a mate's boss fitting disabled toilets. Done 2 today, first one in Brighton this morning, then another in Edgeware, Middlesex this afternoon.
A long, long day. Got two more tomorrow, Flintshire (N Wales) in the morning, then Liverpool in the afternoon so will be a piece of cake compared to today!
Fair play lucius i was moaning because i cant park out side the job. Do you lug any tools around with you? do you want to do a staircase in bristol? ;D
got 2 jobs on the go at the moment 1 in wimbledon thats about 60 mile each way and the other in bedford thats about 65-70 mile each way.........had a fair ole smack in my van yesterday i was approaching a junction 2 cars waiting to pull out 1 going right the other going left guy turning right pulls out straight into the side of me and hits the back quarter then the guy turning left pulls out at the same time and i went straight into the back of him......T***s....guy turning right said it was his fault but my insurance told me that the guy i hit will probably claim off me ....even though he pulled out in front of me
Bristol is about 100 miles away from london in the south west straight down the m4. I was gonna leave my tools on site today but was told it was dodgy so just took me hand tools and mixer, easily carried.
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