Run the profile then using enrichments bed them in after. If making several. Casts make a silicone mould of the whole length of cornice with enrichments. If it works out cost effective.
Fibrous plaster mouldings.
Loren just like to say your work looks fantastic, certainly on a par with @mikeadams1985 I really enjoyed doing my advanced craft at college many moons ago and only ever had to fix fibrous work since and quite a few repairs to insitu work but nothing to the scale what I've seen from you guys. Its good to know this kind of work is still done instead of the solid polymer things a lot of customers are favouring because of cost I guess?? :RpS_confused:I use aluminum Link Removed
well said marshy!!! these blokes are putting out some superb stuff i also do mainly in situ repair when needed and fixing , i am a great believer in the whole art of plastering from solid right through to the very complex stuff these guys are producing you and we are keeping these skills alive and a few more ryanswart along the way would also help !!!! stuyLoren just like to say your work looks fantastic, certainly on a par with @mikeadams1985 I really enjoyed doing my advanced craft at college many moons ago and only ever had to fix fibrous work since and quite a few repairs to insitu work but nothing to the scale what I've seen from you guys. Its good to know this kind of work is still done instead of the solid polymer things a lot of customers are favouring because of cost I guess?? :RpS_confused:
id kill for a desktop cnc machine![]()
Hi Mike, I use a jig saw with a metal cutting blade.What do you cut the aluminum with loren? your work looks good
Hi Ryan, There are different grades of aluminum, the stuff I use is pretty soft. I found a metal yard that has all kinds of scrap aluminum & I go in there once a year and buy a few nice scraps. Long time go I picked up some that is totally unusable for cutting, way too hard of an alloy, so now I can tell which is the soft stuff and the stuff to stay away from.Must be hard to file as zinc is softer to file
Like I said earlier I use a jig saw & then I hand file the last few mm's.Looks like machine cut - guess not those miniature files