How do u solve this one?

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sent to put an airbrick and internal vent into a understairs cupboard today as it was damp. Ko'd the plaster internally and knocked a hole in walls for airbrick. AS usual with these problems the cavity was being bridged by that horrible blown isulation. i put my arm into the cavity and beneath the dpc it was soaking as if it's drawing water up from the trench and the further u go up the cavity the dryer it got, to me this prooves its not coming through the externall wall but only from the ground below dpc and travelling up insulation!
Now the insulations in and no chance of taking it out what can be done??? is the only option to tank it internally? ???
Would the moisture that penetrates the external skin drip from the ties to the lowest point. Is there a tray at the bottom to move water away from the internal skin
sprayit said:
Would the moisture that penetrates the external skin drip from the ties to the lowest point. Is there a tray at the bottom to move water away from the internal skin

NO like i say it's rising up from under ground not coming down the walls, it's dry furter up up.

jpole_and_sons said:
unless its worth you investigating it and they will pay for it etc, forget it.....

Work for the Council mate, if i could fack it off i would, plus she's fit!
Shag her and move an employee you are allowed to tell them that this is beyond your remit and you need some advice from the seat warming, desk shining fu^kwits that sent you there.............
bubbles65 said:
Shag her and move an employee you are allowed to tell them that this is beyond your remit and you need some advice from the seat warming, desk shining fu^kwits that sent you there.............
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