How do I plaster a large ceiling in 2 parts?

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New Member
Hi chaps, I've done loads of ceilings before kitchen and bathroom size but I've picked up a really big bedroom ceiling.
Looking at the size of it and the fact I will be on my own I know it will have gone off at the begining by the time I have covered the whole ceiling. I Will also have to do a couple of mixes to cover it.
So I am planning to do it in 2 halves. How do I join the 2 halves bearing in mind one will be completely finished...2 coats and polished up, so that you can't see the join.

Any help appreciated, Cheers
put a length of scrim right down the middle and after youre second trowel pull it off then work back into this with the next many square metres is the ceiling mate?
get another plasterer to help you and do it in one. a join never looks nice. sharing work has the added bonus that they might share work witrh you
Pug said:
get another plasterer to help you and do it in one. a join never looks nice. sharing work has the added bonus that they might share work witrh you
It's easy enough to join without leaving a trace really. At the worst a bit of rubbing down prior to painting. I've never had any problems....never even had to sand down to be honest. Just use plenty of water where the two sets meet. No disrespect intended Pug but I'm reluctant to share anything in the current climate unless it's absolutely necessary. Might get f..k all back from the other spread ;)
im with rich..doing a ceiling in 2 sections is a little amateurish ....either get help/rolling gauge.....or get a sweat on.....sorry to sound all high and mighty but its come on a few times about scrim...stop beads etc......and that all sounds a bit moody to each there own tho....i certainly wouldnt want anyone to get offended by my opinion....:o0
Just feather it there should be enough moisture left in the plaster to join both parts together without leaving a trace
Rolling set as already said nothing amatureish about it at all its a part of plastering and covering big areas where there is no angles, joining walls etc
plasterer/steve said:
supper glue it together? ;D
You is learning brother, Carefull though you may be labelled as an antagonist by the minors and sympathizers who seem to monopolise this site at he minute
he still hasnt said how big the ceiling is ?? whats his idea of a big ceiling ? for me on my own a big ceiling is 6x6 m but im sure i could manage a litlle more.
If its anything under 30 m2 just go for it mate in one hit.
alright that one was a bit of a white lie ; 800m of screed tommorow any tips ???
i'd still use a scrim joint mate and concentrate on each side at a time .........the rolling methods alright suppose but technically youre still doint the ceiling in one hit ???
only ever used rolling method (reciprical laying )a few times in my life.the most memorable was on an 200m2 plus ceiling 3.5 meter high in golf club house,we hired in rolling scaffolding and did it in several sections.
we had no choice but to do it this way becuse it had an all glass frontage and was so hot in there it was goin off as fast we put it on.A killer of a job,we lost a lot of money on that job,never taken anything of that size on again since to be honest i never will do !!
I remember doin a 300m2 ceiling on my own once it was four metres high in a turkish baths by eck that were wwharm i ended upp puttin roller skates ont end o some three b two's , wi a gorilla tub ful o gear strapped raund mi waste and then after snap i did t roman baths 400m2 ceiling ;D ;D ;D mi they were the days when i wa a young whipper snapper in the 60's
I skimmed all the ceilings in the Albert hall then after snack I coved Buckingham Palace... that was a hard day I tell thee
i lost a ceiling that couldnt have been 3 sqm first and second coated it straight off and stayed on it ; was 35 deg in a conservatory you could grow tomatoes in 2 mins
We don't cut in as i think its crap. As before if its too big for you on your own then get help, its all about the finish not the area. I would'nt tackle anymore than 20m2 per set on my own excluding a rolling guage, otherwise you work like a demon!
I should think so, We would'nt tackle a 60m2 ceiling unless we had 3 spreads. One of which is doing the mixing etc in between. Also depends on the height, i hate 3m ceilngs it much more work!
to skim a ceiling in two parts just feather the first in a neat line down the first half of ceiling and do the same with the second half joining them up and if you do it right you'l never tell once painted
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