hitting dry pva

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hi,lads,is it ok plastering a wall when the wall has been pva'd a day or so before as opposed to hitting it when it's tacky? it's been pvad 3 times. what would be the difference?
ballsdeep said:
hi,lads,is it ok plastering a wall when the wall has been pva'd a day or so before as opposed to hitting it when it's tacky? it's been pvad 3 times. what would be the difference?
What background are we talking about?
just shiny nasty painted walls. i put a small handfull of plastering sand in as well for a good key. they were strong mixes as well?
just skim it should be fine, sounds like it your own house so if it goes wrong and falls off it more than likely wont. start again with wba or bond-it
use board finish.. specially designed for areas of low suction..
been doin it that way 4 20 years never had a problem just means u can prep in 1 go and not get pva over already skimmed walls
If you spit on the wall then rub it in with your fingers it'll come back all tacky .... same thing happens when you put wet skim over it..... it'll be fine :)

once pvad and set you've killed the suction which means the finish will not go off and will hang for you but it wont stick / bond to the wall. if you hit a wall skimed this way its likely to shell off that's why you wont to have your 2 pva tacky so it actually sticks to the wall. thistle bond it is a differant game the aggregate in the mix provides a mechanical key so letting it go off isn't a problem
richardbrown said:
If you spit on the wall then rub it in with your fingers it'll come back all tacky .... same thing happens when you put wet skim over it..... it'll be fine :)


And I quote ...
nothin wrong in doin it this way mate, as long as you dont kill all the suction. Suction is what makes it stick to the wall, pva is to slow the suction down allowing the plaster to be worked and not look like crazy paving after 5 minutes of layin on.
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