high impact render

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New Member
ive got to render the inside of dog kennels where working dogs are kept ... the owner has had experience with render before , of the dogs scratching at it back to the brick . can i use some sort of additive or is there a product available as an alternative to s & c .. is limlite an option ... many thanks
I once did an internal render and used sulphate resisting cement mixed with sand and SBR, jesus man when it set and dried it was bomb proof
i think if you one coat it with a 3:1 mix with a sharpish sand and plenty waterproofer youd have to be a pretty nasty dog to make any sort of impression... they'd soon give up when their paws started to bleed..
a 6:1 mix with no waterproofer just aint that hard...
I once did an internal render and used sulphate resisting cement mixed with sand and SBR, jesus man when it set and dried it was bomb proof
isnt 'potassium sulphate' a bomb making ingredient? :D
I'd go with a drop of sbr too, also, if you wet it the follow day with a light spray it might set a bit harder as well (this is a screeders trick, i'm only assuming it works the same with render)
I'd go with a drop of sbr too, also, if you wet it the follow day with a light spray it might set a bit harder as well (this is a screeders trick, i'm only assuming it works the same with render)
aye, they reckon concrete sets like well, er really hard concrete underwater...
I once did an internal render and used sulphate resisting cement mixed with sand and SBR, jesus man when it set and dried it was bomb proof
30 people found stuck to a wall outside heathrow airport...
police believe irish muslims set off the worlds first 'no more nails' bomb :D
thanks lads thats spot on ... even a sabretoothed greywip ;D wouldnt damage those mixes .. should be the answer to his problems
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