hi newbe wannabe spread here

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New Member
Alright everyone. I am lookin to start new career age 37 and an arf. been barbering for 10 years want to do somthing else now. bin renovating my 100 year old cottage (well knocking of all the limestone plaster off and larth and plaster ceilings) now it needs plastering. So thought if i get trained up maybe i could practice in my gaff and do a 6-8 weeks course with able skills or gold trowel. then go it alone. what ya reckon. be honest i can take it. cheers simon
Errr I was only havin a laugh but you've taken it too far with the kiss mate >:(
Doin a course will give you an idea but to be honest the best way is to shadow/ labour for a spread and learn that way. However thats not always an option. I'd say yeh have a go but you wont be ready by a long shot to go it alone. Start on small jobs and build up slowly.
Im sure you didn't cut any ones hair for ages. It all takes time but dont be put off by any one mate. Give it a go and see what you think. Practicing on your own house wont get you a bad rep or sued and you never know you may find that you hate the trade altogether. Good luck though. ;)
PhilPlaster said:
Errr I was only havin a laugh but you've taken it too far with the kiss mate >:(
Doin a course will give you an idea but to be honest the best way is to shadow/ labour for a spread and learn that way. However thats not always an option. I'd say yeh have a go but you wont be ready by a long shot to go it alone. Start on small jobs and build up slowly.
Im sure you didn't cut any ones hair for ages. It all takes time but dont be put off by any one mate. Give it a go and see what you think. Practicing on your own house wont get you a bad rep or sued and you never know you may find that you hate the trade altogether. Good luck though. ;)
thanks for that phil. yes thats the trouble need experience. anyhoo not to worry thanks for your advice ;D
the two week courses are excellent and will give you the finer tuning and a chance to ask questions go for it plasterings easy ;)
spunky said:
the two week courses are excellent and will give you the finer tuning and a chance to ask questions go for it plasterings easy ;)
do you reckon, what about work how is it at the moment busy or everyone gettin laid of. i as thinking of getting a van sign written and hope to get some work that way
simond1972 said:
nelly said:
Larth and plarster

You said that with a cockney accent ;D
ha ha wot is it called then. (french word)in wood every where :D

Actually some say lath and and some say lat.

I'm not sure which is correct I supose its like scone and scon.
i think tha'll find us northerners dont f'ck arse around wi' vowels or consanants that dont need utterin' in t'first place
its a s'con, fastest cake in t'world.. only puffs eat scones..
and its lat and plaster.... save spitting beer over people...
like its a castle not a carstle...
larth and plarthter... tim, nice but dim.. ;D ;D
It's all about standards you see. While I'm having afternoon tea and SCONES with my clients I suppose you would be eating mud pies with your ruffian oik pals!
You think I'm posh because I have learn't to eat with cutlery and not my fingers. ;D
PhilPlaster said:
It's all about standards you see. While I'm having afternoon tea and SCONES with my clients I suppose you would be eating mud pies with your ruffian oik pals!
You think I'm posh because I have learn't to eat with cutlery and not my fingers. ;D

wonder how long it will take before you get a nice scouse accent. a a init laaa you no wara mean ha ha
kirk johnstone said:
PhilPlaster said:
It's all about standards you see. While I'm having afternoon tea and SCONES with my clients I suppose you would be eating mud pies with your ruffian oik pals!
You think I'm posh because I have learn't to eat with cutlery and not my fingers. ;D

wonder how long it will take before you get a nice scouse accent. a a init laaa you no wara mean ha ha
That was more Janet- Street Porter ! :D
Welcome to the forum simond1972 , in my opinion it will take you 2 years to learn how to become a descent labourer
in that time you should be able to pick up the basics in skimming maybe enough so you can start up on your own , i would say try to find a spread who you can help you out on your own place see how you like the trade and go from there , BTW do you do wet shaving ? need some advice on shaving with a straight ?
church said:
Welcome to the forum simond1972 , in my opinion it will take you 2 years to learn how to become a descent labourer
in that time you should be able to pick up the basics in skimming maybe enough so you can start up on your own , i would say try to find a spread who you can help you out on your own place see how you like the trade and go from there , BTW do you do wet shaving ? need some advice on shaving with a straight ?
Hi there thanks fo you reply. are the courses on offer at able skills and the like any good. i have laboured in this trade before, mixing up the plaster and and the pre coat stuff. cut and tacked a few angle beads on but this was in new builds for brickies who could plaster. thanks again
"but this was in new builds for brickies who could plaster"

haha thats the funniest thing I have read on here in ages!!

Bruce Willis said:
It's all about standards you see. While I'm having afternoon tea and SCONES with my clients I suppose you would be eating mud pies with your ruffian oik pals!
You think I'm posh because I have learn't to eat with cutlery and not my fingers. ;D
while your eating scones and drinking tea with out of some china cup with your little finger stuck out, trying not to swear, im down the pub drinking brown ale having trowelled up and been paid ;D
Chris W said:
Bruce Willis said:
It's all about standards you see. While I'm having afternoon tea and SCONES with my clients I suppose you would be eating mud pies with your ruffian oik pals!
You think I'm posh because I have learn't to eat with cutlery and not my fingers. ;D
while your eating scones and drinking tea with out of some china cup with your little finger stuck out, trying not to swear, im down the pub drinking brown ale having trowelled up and been paid ;D
Neanderthal. ;D What is this, Brown Ale of which you speak. I would hazard a guess its your aftershave? :D
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