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Just wanted to introduce myself been plastering 10 years... now just starting off on my own now having moved to west sussex put business cards up, 6 months worth of ads in local paper starting friday, got everything ready just waiting for calls for jobs hopefully... appreciate any advice/tips for a new start up
welcome along rycarr :RpS_thumbsup: have a good read through old threads using the search bar. lots of good tips on here, keep networking. Stay involved with the forum, best of luck
Welcome along mate,
what @Olican calls networking the police call Grooming. :RpS_thumbsup:
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Guess I was asking for it advertised on freeads last week since have had 3 calls from someone with scouse accent offering me space in their new magazine 1st time was childrens cancer(misses nearly fell for it) then your nicked magazine rang saying they were the police today ncyp or something ended up getting the geezers hopes up just for fun ended up with him calling me over the phone bloody scammers think I'll be taking that ad down.
Guess I was asking for it advertised on freeads last week since have had 3 calls from someone with scouse accent offering me space in their new magazine 1st time was childrens cancer(misses nearly fell for it) then your nicked magazine rang saying they were the police today ncyp or something ended up getting the geezers hopes up just for fun ended up with him calling me over the phone bloody scammers think I'll be taking that ad down.

You need to be careful what and where you advertise mate.
Currently im trying to sell all my Dogging gear on ebay, I have no bids at all, but loads of watchers.
Well put ad in local paper came out this week but they put it in wrong section under builders phoned up so they have given me an extra 2 weeks and bigger ad mind you have got my first job off a local facebook page someone was asking as their plasterer had let them done so got a bathroom to do tomorrow only small job but it's a start,
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