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right, ive had 2 fosters and a bottle of red, i got 5 minutes to get to the offy, and i got a d+d conny+skim tommorow..
do i sack it and get off the bleedin computa...
or sod it and enjoy life while im still alive??
it shouldn't be too hot tommorow mate youll be alright pack the extra strong mints though!!
Get on it mate i just got back from the offy i got to work in the morn olny a little skim job round a sky light but i have got used to late nights kids sorted that one out ;D
went in to work to day with a hangover manged 2 plaster 2 walls one at a time. also the one wall had a pipe 6 inchs from corner, i nearly riped the fecking thing off the wall
Christ i feel your pain luckily havent had a hang over for a few years dont hit it hard any more few pints does me now 4 or 5 usually does the trick any more and its anything goes ;)
back...done the the missus a bottle of bellarusso (low calorie parrantly on good advice so the balance is redressed)..
christ mate get yerself a 'pipe trowel' like a bucket trowel but long blade bout 2 inch wide...put it in the 'getuoutoftheshitkit'..
like bod says, boxin in is the better way...
pipe trowel does help though...if you get a c'nt...
Christ i feel your pain luckily havent had a hang over for a few years dont hit it hard any more few pints does me now 4 or 5 usually does the trick any more and its anything goes   ;)
i try not to mate but on a good week i have my moments of weakness...once a p'sshead etc...
youre right though...3 or four and i aint anywhere near my best...should be in bed for 10.30, well fed, slippers on...what ive gotta do tomorrow i underpriced a c' u i get paid...and a recomendation....sorry mate...bit p'ssd
Gotta do a crappy little job tomorrow round a skylight and was asked to do a cheap job as the woman aint got much money i said sure why not its sort of for a mate bit of cash for the little folk festival im going to tomorrow afternoon.......they sell quality rough cider there so should be having a few tomorrow ;)
id do the same mate, anything for a party!! though i like my tribal techno better!!
We were supposed to go to a party tonight 2 doors down but couldnt get a babysitter they have just finished they had a live band sounded like a quality party :( thats 2 partys in about 3 weeks we havent gone to missus had a migrain last time never mind done my partying years ago raves and allsorts parenthood sorts you right out only partys been to lately has been kids bloody partys might do glastonbury next year with the kids :)
i really underquoted this one...300 all in...takes a day should have been 300 + the gear...
anyway...gonna be 2 gallons of water and a mcdo for breakfast....misuss happy though... ;)
in fact look at it this way, if the lads in afghanistan can 'sleep in a lull', 'eat whatever','pay more attention to there weapon than they do to themselves', then i consider myself f'kin privaledged(carnt sple) sometimes wish i was out there..till i see em with gunshot wounds to the femur/abdomen/head/shoulderblade...not to mention ied's....
We were supposed to go to a party tonight 2 doors down but couldnt get a babysitter they have just finished they had a live band sounded like a quality party :( thats 2 partys in about 3 weeks we havent gone to missus had a migrain last time never mind done my partying years ago raves and allsorts parenthood sorts you right out only partys been to lately has been kids bloody partys might do glastonbury next year with the kids :)
mate, dunno how old u are but it aint the end of the world..i aint been to a party in ages but my type of party aint the 'bbq with the joneses' i prefer the free party that scene you can bring the kids, you need to camp though, so you need to be geard up for it family love it too, and theres this aura of respect cos the organisers are usually in there 30's so they got kids too...means a weekend thing though...
our lot wouldnt be a problem cos the missus is well wide anyway (bein from essex)...i just gotta show em a REAL party...took her 1/2 brother last year...loved it, my mate, loved it...the rest...well, talk about out of their depth...needs a good choice, but isnt that what they call 'social climbing'!!..haha f;ck the idiots mate!
well, just sent a message to endesius..(name) new member..said 'are you real', lets see..
wonder if u can set up some sort of block that rejects anyone without something this progam hasnt thought of??
have to speak to yabb yes?
ah well, until then...
im off to bed, ow sad am i?
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