help with a price

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New Member
i have been 2 see a small 2 story extetion that need to be skimed..

all the walls will already be boarded..the best way to brake it down will be that its 3 average rooms with windows plus one larger room that joins on to the old kitchen and they will want the old artex in that room covered to.

i no that there are a few people pricing this one.

I'm not sore what day rate to go with..they said they think its a weeks work but they dont plaster so..

as a ruff guide iv allowed 2 days a room at £140 a day =£1120 that's just me ill want a labourer to dow? does this seem to much for this kind of job? is a private job.but they build half the job them self's.
depends what you call an average room mate..
4x3m on board, i'd have it on my own in a day easy for 200 quid cash 2 sets, ceiling and one wall 1st, rest 2nd..

4 days, 800 quid for cash.. inc materials..

make sure the boardings right first though..
charge em for any bonding out/sticky out screws etc..
sorry forgot to say they are supplying.. just finkin |£1120 wouldt be that bad a price if i take 20% OFF ITS £896 then say i have a lab for 4 days take off £200 leaves me with £698 for a weeks work and maybe 4 days work if i get on it. do you think that sounds fair? mind you bet some c**t comes in with £550 ..and as for cash i reali dont like sayin as they might fink im a cowboy.
3 rooms = 3 days maybe 4 ???hard to say with seeing and nowing exact sizes backgrounds etc etc.
I wouldnt be suprised to see someone come in at £550 like you say if they suppling materials.
Actually id say without seeing £550 sounds quite good to me 3 days no materials for cash.TEMPTING!!!
to be honest cos its all on board id go in a bit cheaper still cos i need the work.. but its not my job so..
id happily do a reskim for 200 quid cash, days work..
maybe ill drop a lil but im sore something will crop up like unfinished bits and areas . kit not on job..someting allways goes wrong and im starting 2 get fed up of working my ass off all week for £100-£120 a day gettin f**k*d for basic pay. o yea there is no cash so remmember to take ya 20% off! thats wot kills it.
Oh 4 rooms now !!!
Even so if its on boards in an extansion still 3 maybe 4 days work..Better than nothing £550 cash sounds ok to me.
if i wasn't booked out for 3 weeks id do it for sure.
try to bring it in over a early friday finish sat sun and a late start on a monday for the next job it's all bonce then.
i do 2 coats on board still.. as i no how theys jobs go id say 5 days..take £650-700 id be happy
I personaly 2 coat everything its the only way i really is hard to price when you cant see it.
But for me personaly 4 medium sized rooms with lids is 3 days 4 absolute max anything above £550 cash is good.
2 plasters would easy knock that out in 2 days with extaneded lunches!

If you need the work go in low if not go in for £700 last year you would of got that i reckon
ok thanks im ganna go with 1.5 days a room just to cover my self and try not 2 streach me self and do a ood job.. so 6 days all in all at £140 a day plus £150 for a labv for 3 days..thata do it i reckon,
heres a good one..
just taken a call, bloke wants a price for 30 square metres of plastering..
so when ive got the details out of him and explain 1) ill need to see it and 2) i charge by the set, not the metre...
i get it that its a h/s/l ceilings, big wall etc... up malborne so its dry lined and unsealed before lining paper >:(
bloke says he's just ringing round for quotes, so i go 'rough guess, 2 - 3 hundred depending on prep etc'
he goes, well ive already been quoted 120... :o
4 quid a metre, domestic, lining paper straight onto board (which when they try to remove it destroys the boards) this blokes havin a laff surely?
yes mate, theyre old council type things, half brick half timber frame, drylined years ago and lining papered and painted..
learned my lesson last time.. they need gypbond really, i tried with pva and what a nightmare..
30 squares only a couple of sets but theyre just nasty to skim..
the ceilings tend to be this foam board stuff too..
still didnt give him a quote, just a rough idea.. bloke aint got the money yet but jesus 120 quid?? thats gotta be an ex site plasterer or an ii (illegal immigrant) ::)
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